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Rhvac Update

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Note that many Rhvac customers have specially labeled versions of Rhvac that display the Trane, Carrier, Rheem, York, or some other brand name logo. If you are updating from version 6.05y or earlier and would like the new version of Rhvac to display the same logo as your previous version, call 979-690-9420 or e-mail your request to our Sales Department at sales@elitesoft.com. New logo files can be e-mailed free of charge or sent on disk for a nominal charge.


Version 6.08.263 [10/25/2004]

  1. Added a file back into the installation that is required for the New Drawing dialog to display. This file, Vsview6.ocx, had been removed only from version 6.08.260.
  2. Fixed a bug that made it so the program could lock up after executing Drawing Board's Undo feature.
  3. Made it so the Load Preview report does not include the net tonnage if you unchecked the box for it on the General tab of the Select Reports dialog. The same goes for the recommended tonnage.

Version 6.08.260 [4/9/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug on the Background tab of the Rhvac Options dialog where the part of the monitor picture that represents the background would not be the right size and position when the Windows display DPI setting was set to a value larger than normal (or, under some versions of Windows other than XP, when the Large Fonts settings was used).
  2. Fixed a bug where if you pressed F7 while in Drawing Board mode the Global Material Change dialog would show up but would not make any changes to the drawing itself. To show the Global Material Change dialog for a Drawing Board project, you must right click a Room object and click "Global Material Change."
  3. Fixed a bug where it was possible to change the value of read-only properties on the Object Properties window of Drawing Board.
  4. Fixed a problem on the Load Preview report where it was likely that room names would wrap to two lines.
  5. Added a button to the Print Preview window's toolbar that lets you save the document as a PDF file.
  6. Added an option to the General tab of the Select Reports dialog to let you create an RTF file when reports are generated. The RTF file is created in the folder specified in the "HTML and RTF File Folder" input on the same tab. You cannot check both the RTF box and the HTML box at the same time.
  7. Added the ability to zoom, scroll and navigate the print preview with the mouse wheel. Rolling the mouse wheel scrolls the report up or down. If you use the mouse wheel to scroll to the top or bottom of the page and keep rolling, the preview will go to the previous or next page. Holding down the Shift key and rolling the mouse wheel navigates to the previous or next page. Holding down the Ctrl key while rolling the mouse wheel zooms in or out.

Version 6.08.255 [2/10/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug where the Zone report would not be included in the reports unless you also checked the box for the System report.
  2. Made it so glass 2A, 2B and 2C (single pane with storm, but not low-e) are seen as double pane glass when calculating the heat gain. The heat gain example in Manual J Seventh Edition says to do that.
  3. Fixed a bug that made it so wall sensible gain was calculated even when a room's calculation option was set to heating only.
  4. Fixed a bug on the Load Preview window where the gain and loss numbers for ventilation (when present) were shifted one column to the right of where they should be.

Version 6.08.252 [1/9/2004]

  1. Updated the installation program so that when you uninstall this program files that are shared by other Elite programs are not removed. The main change is that if you install two of Elite's programs that include a Drawing Board window, then uninstall one of them the Drawing Board window will still be available in the other programs that use it. But this change will not actually be effective until you install today's new update for the other Elite programs that also have this change to their installation scripts.
  2. Fixed a bug that made it so when you clicked the dropdown help button to the left of the first duct schedule input on the Duct tab of the General Project Data window, the dropdown help window would not appear.
  3. Added a row to the Load Preview window to show the ventilation gains and losses, when present. This new row of data appears just under the System row when applicable. Also made the same change to the Load Preview Report.
  4. Made it so the picture of the monitor on the Background tab of the Rhvac Options dialog displays properly when the Windows display theme is set to show 3-D objects in a color other than gray.

Version 6.08.250 [8/26/2003]

  1. Added a link in the "Elite Software on the Web" menu to the Rhvac Update page.
  2. Fixed a bug where if the current project was set to use metric units, when you opened the Find HVAC Equipment window from one of the dropdown help windows on the Equipment tab of the System Data window, the min and max capacity ranges would not be set correctly.
  3. Fixed a small bug where upon first opening the Room Name Options dialog on Drawing Board, a room in the list other than the currently selected room would sometimes be the one with the check mark.
  4. Fixed a bug that made it so the wrong direction could be reported for a window item on the Detailed Room Loads report if any of the walls before the one that the window referenced were not valid. For example, if Wall 1 on the Room Data window was blank, Wall 2 had a valid wall entered for it and you entered 2 in the Ref input for a glass item to indicate that the window was located in Wall 2, the report would not show the correct direction for that window on the report.
  5. Added an up or down arrow to the column headers on the Find HVAC Equipment window and the projects list on the New Project dialog to indicate the sort column and the direction of the sort.
  6. Fixed a bug where if you clicked the Modified column on the New Project dialog in order to sort the projects by date, the items were not sorted correctly.
  7. Made it so when you type a partial city name into the Reference City input on the General Project Data window, the program only searches for city names that begin with the characters you type, rather than ones where those characters are contained anywhere within the city, state or country name. Did the same on the Weather Database window.
  8. Fixed a bug that could happen when running the installation as an update where the program had first been installed prior to version 6.08.210, where it was possible for the duct schedule database file to be overwritten with an old one from the C:\Elite\Common folder.

Version 6.08.245 [3/25/2003]

NOTE: If you use Drawing Board with Ductsize or Chvac you will need to install today's update for those programs along with this update.

  1. Corrected a mistake in the dropdown help for the partition temperature difference inputs, where STD and WTD were reversed in one sentence.
  2. Corrected the reversed summer outdoor dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures for Tallahassee, Florida in the weather database.
  3. Changed the name of the "Rhvac Drawing Colors" dialog in Drawing Board to "Rhvac Drawing Options" and made it so you can set the default fill color, fill style, line color and line style properties for various Rhvac objects.
  4. Added "Single French Door" and "Double French Door" objects to the Rhvac Drawing Objects catalog in Drawing Board. Also added those options to the right click menu for glass objects. And added "Swap Hinge Side" and "Reverse Swing" commands to the glass object's right click menu when appropriate.
  5. Added "Reverse Panels" and "Swap Opening End" commands to the popup menu that appears when you right click a sliding glass door object on Drawing Board.
  6. In the Rhvac Drawing Objects catalog in Drawing Board, added several different Room objects that have some walls already set to being interior.
  7. Added an About Drawing Board item to the Help menu so you can see the license level, the company headings and the version number.
  8. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the drawing file of a project to be deleted under certain circumstances.

Version 6.08.243 [1/13/2003]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in a recent version where glass materials were not being read correctly, which could cause the cooling load for glass items to not be correct.
  2. Added the version number to the Desktop and Start menu shortcuts that get created during installation.

Version 6.08.242 [1/2/2003]

  1. Made it so rooms drawn on the Drawing Board window show up in the order in which they were created even if there are multiple sheets.
  2. Made it so the drawing writes its data to the project file faster, especially when there are several rooms.

Version 6.08.241 [12/31/2002]

  1. Fixed a problem where new rooms created would default to having zero for the Occurrences input unless the Default Room Data had a non-zero number already filled in.
  2. Added a feature that lets you double click on a room on the Load Preview window to edit that room in the Room Data window.
  3. Made it so changing the duct inputs and the Units input on the General Project Data window will cause the Load Preview window to recalculate if the Auto Refresh option is turned on.
  4. Corrected summer temperatures for Richmond, Virginia in the weather database.
  5. Added a line to the Room Load Summary report before the system total line for ventilation loads if present.
  6. Made it so topics in the help file for the inputs on the System Data window are linked with the individual inputs, so that when you press F1 while the focus is on one of those inputs the Rhvac Help window will open with the appropriate topic already showing.

Version 6.08.240 [12/7/2002]

  1. Made it so the Select Reports dialog closes when you press the Escape key.
  2. Made it so if the direction is "UP" for a roof that a skylight is in and the skylight has some degree of tilt, the skylight will be ignored. Also made the glass ignored for the case when the roof direction is not "UP" and the skylight has zero tilt.
  3. Made it so if a glass references a partition wall, the glass is ignored.
  4. Added an Action menu that provides keyboard access to the toolbars on the child windows such as the Weather Data and Custom Report windows.
  5. Made it so if you change the material code for a floor that already has a perimeter entered, the perimeter is not reset to equal the sum of the wall lengths.
  6. Made it so when you import systems from Audit and then open the System Data window, it opens with the same system number that you had been editing previously. Formerly, it had opened to the last system number to which Audit data had been imported.
  7. Fixed a problem on the Detailed Room Loads report where the item description for a skylight would include "%S" to indicate a percent shaded, which does not apply to skylights.
  8. Fixed a bug on the Import From Rhvac dialog where not all of the data would import.

Version 6.08.239 [11/14/2002]

  1. Fixed a problem introduced in version 6.08.234 where the stand alone Drawing Board program would not open drawings.
  2. Changed the default number of visible walls and windows on the Room Data window to 4.

Version 6.08.234 [11/14/2002]

  1. Changed the default setting for the Check Errors input on the Room Data window from Yes to No.
  2. Fixed a bug where clicking Save Project As with a project that had already been named would not always work properly.
  3. Made it so if you click Save Project As while the Drawing Board window is open the project saves faster than it did before.
  4. Fixed a bug introduced in version 6.08.232 where glass items and any material items that had less than three characters in the material code would not show up on the building, system or zone summary report.

Version 6.08.232 [11/4/2002]

  1. Made it so the program correctly finds the amount of shading due to an overhang for negative latitudes.
  2. Fixed a bug that made it so when the program was set to the Demonstration level the Direction inputs for walls on the Room Data window would all show "N" for north when that window was first opened.
  3. Corrected a small problem where if the u-value for a material was too low and the project was set to metric units, the u-value amount that the Evaluation of Project window would say was being used by default was in English units.
  4. Added an option to automatically capitalize the first character of words typed into most inputs on the General Project Data window's Project, Client and Company tabs.
  5. Made it so if you try to open a project from the upcoming MJ8 version, the program will not open the project and a warning is displayed telling you that the project is of the wrong version.
  6. Corrected the weather data for Miami, Florida.
  7. Made it so if you try to drag and drop a floor plan object from the wrong catalog (i.e., from the Rhvac Drawing Objects catalog while you are working in Chvac) a message box is displayed telling you to change to the correct catalog.
  8. Added a feature that prevents the program from opening a project from a floppy disk. If you try to open a project from a floppy disk, a message box will appear telling you that the program will instead copy the selected file from the floppy disk to the Projects folder on your hard disk and open it from there. Or if you try to save a project to the floppy disk, the program will display a message box telling you that it will only copy the file to the floppy but that the current project will remain at its present location.
  9. Fixed a bug that could make the program crash after clicking on the dropdown help window for the Layer property on the Object Properties window of Drawing Board.
  10. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the installation program to install the sample project files into the program folder by default rather than in the Projects folder.

Version 6.08.227 [9/19/2002]

  1. Took measures to prevent there from being a problem in the future where the Draw, Format and View menus for Drawing Board do not work in this program.

Version 6.08.226 [9/17/2002] (Not released)

  1. Fixed a potential problem that could make it so the Drawing Board window would become unlinked from Rhvac if the latest Chvac or Ductsize were installed after installing Rhvac.
  2. Corrected some things in the help file.

Version 6.08.224 [8/2/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in version 6.08.223 where when moving a room it was possible for the doors and windows to not correctly remember their previous positions.

Version 6.08.223 [7/31/2002]

  1. Fixed a problem where if the "Start a new project upon opening program" option on the Rhvac Options dialog were checked, a new project would be started when the program is opened even if the way you opened the program was by double clicking on a project file. If you had updated from version 6.07, that problem would then make it so two dialogs would unnecessarily appear before you finally were in the project you double clicked.
  2. Fixed a bug where if a roof, wall or glass was ignored because the amount of glass was too large, and if there were also another item of that type that was blank or otherwise invalid, an error number 9, Subscript out of range, could occur and show up as a Fatal Error in the Evaluation of Project or Evaluation of Room window.
  3. Made it so if you have version 6 and version 7 of Audit on your computer and in the same folder, Rhvac first looks for version 7 then version 6 when you click the "Open Audit Program" button (it had been first looking for 6, then 7).
  4. Made it so when you resize a wall or execute the Divide Wall command on Drawing Board, the doors and windows contained in that wall are immediately repositioned to fit within the wall if necessary.
  5. Fixed a bug on the "Copy To Clipboard" button on the Load Preview window, where if the clipboard already had text in it the load preview data would not be copied to the clipboard.

Version 6.08.222 [6/26/2002]

  1. Corrected a slight problem with the pie charts where the pie could be tilted at so much of an angle that the labels could be hard to read. Also corrected a problem with the version of the runtime files required for the pie and bar charts introduced in 6.08.221.
  2. Fixed a bug on the Drawing Board window, where some of the tools in the toolbar would not always be enabled at the right time.

Version 6.08.221 [6/25/2002]

  1. On the Weather Database window's City input, added a column that shows the number of bin months defined for that city.
  2. Fixed a bug introduced in version 6.08.220 where the Drawing Board window was not linked to Rhvac.
  3. Added a Glass Width property to the Special tab for the Window and Glass Door objects on Drawing Board. This property is the same as the Length property on the Standard tab.

Version 6.08.220 [6/18/2002]

  1. Added the shortcut key operation text to the popup menu that appears when you right click on wall or door objects. This new text tells you the shortcuts for doing the Divide Wall Here, Include Wall, Hide Wall, Reverse Swing and Swap Hinge Side operations.
  2. Changed the program name from RHVAC to Rhvac.
  3. Fixed a bug where you could enter a number larger than the maximum (9,999) into the number of people input on the Room Data window.
  4. On the Room Data window, made it so the dropdown help buttons for the partition summer and winter temperature difference inputs (STD, WTD) are enabled even when the input itself is grayed out, which allows you to display the dropdown help window. The same change was made to the overhang projection and offset inputs and to the System CFM input on the System Data window.
  5. Made it so the inputs on the Room Data window are disabled in addition to being grayed out when the project is in Drawing Board mode.
  6. Made changes to the inputs on the Material Database window in order to make it easier to understand how to use. The list of materials was moved to the top, while the material options inputs were moved to the bottom. The various material options inputs are also now grayed out when appropriate in addition to not being clickable.

Version 6.08.219 [5/7/2002]

  1. Increased the maximum winter indoor temperature from 85 to 110.
  2. Made it so the Single Door and Double Door objects on Drawing Board are drawn with an arc to represent the door swing.

Version 6.08.217 [4/15/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in version 6.08.215 or 6.08.216 that makes it so Edit, Draw, Format and View menus that are inserted when the Drawing Board window is active are not operational.

Version 6.08.216 [4/12/2002]

  1. Finished the new feature on the System Data window that lets you set whether the radiator Btuh value entered there is in Btuh per foot, per radiator section, or per radiator unit. The header on the Room Load Summary report will reflect which option you choose. Also added a dropdown list of suggested values that is read from a file called RadHelp.txt, which you can edit by clicking the first item in the dropdown help for the Radiator Btuh/ft. input.

Version 6.08.215 [4/5/2002]

  1. Made it so the Bin Hours Graph window remembers its previous size and position.
  2. Corrected some of the colors on some of the windows so that when using an appearance scheme (on Windows' Display Properties dialog) where 3D objects are some other color than light gray, those objects display the appropriate color rather than remaining light gray. Also changed the colors of the background and text on the dropdown help windows to match the currently selected system colors for tooltips. This change was needed in order to ensure that the colors are appropriate for different Windows appearance settings.
  3. Made it so the New Project dialog opens much faster when you have many projects in your Projects folder. Version 6.07 projects are now included in the list, but data cannot be copied from them (the OK button is not enabled when you select one).
  4. Made it so when you click on the Design or Equipment tabs on the System Data window, the focus goes to the first text input on the tab you clicked.
  5. Modified the Import From Audit feature so that it will work with either version 6.07 or 7.01 of Audit.
  6. Made it so the project file gets compacted when saved.
  7. Added "Created With Version" and "Last Edited With Version" lines to the right side of the Project Explorer window when a project file is selected.
  8. Added a "Hide Wall" property to the Wall object on the Drawing Board window. Also added a "Hide Wall" command to the popup menu that appears when you right click a Wall object. Setting this property to True makes it so the wall's Included property is set to False and sets the Line Color of the wall to white, effectively hiding the wall. For more information, right click a Wall object on the drawing and select "Help on Wall Figure" from the popup menu.
  9. Made it so the Room figure on Drawing Board is drawn with a white line color, which makes it so the outline of the room background polygon's border is not visible. This change was necessary because of the new Hide Wall feature, in order to make it so an interior wall can truly be hidden.
  10. Changed the Weather Database to the one used in the new Audit version 7.01. Made necessary changes to the help file for this new window. Also changed the weather database file itself, Monbin.dat, to the new file, ESDWthr.Dat. Rhvac and the new Audit share this file. Also, for technical reasons, changed the setup so that the "Overwrite Existing File" dialog is now divided into two separate dialogs: one for the duct schedule database and one for the weather database.
  11. Changed many of the text in the labels throughout the program so that each word in the label begins with a capital letter.
  12. Removed the "Transparent" option from the Line Style dropdown list on the Zone Colors dialog that opens when you right click a Room object and select Zone Colors on Drawing Board. The reason for removing Transparent is that it makes the room too hard to select. The way to make it so the room background is not visible is to set its fill color to white (which is now explained on the Zone Colors dialog).
  13. Fixed a bug where if the mouse button configuration was set to left-handed, you still had to click with the left mouse button to select an item from the list on the dropdown help windows.
  14. Added a Start Menu shortcut to the U-Factor Calculator program.
  15. Fixed a bug where the installation program would still show the "Select Common Directory" page even when the directory exists.
  16. Made it so when you select Blank Project, a few more things are set to default values, including people loads, trunk and runout inputs, and duct schedule sizes.
  17. Added an "Auto Refresh" button to the Load Preview window's toolbar. When in the pressed down state, this feature makes it so this window automatically updates itself whenever you change anything on any of the other windows that affect the calculations. It is best to only use this feature if you have a fast computer or have only a few rooms in your project.

Version 6.08.212 [2/16/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug where clicking the "Print Preview of Load Preview" button on the Load Preview window's toolbar did not work if the Load Preview window was docked.
  2. Added MBH of heating required to the system and building rows of the Load Preview report.
  3. Made it so the Zone Load Summary report does not show loads for ventilation, since that is only appropriate to show at the system level. Also made it so that report does not say "With Outside Air" on the lines that show total heating and cooling required.
  4. Fixed a bug on the Window and Glass Door objects on Drawing Board where the dropdown help window would not be available for the Glass Occurrences property unless the glass had been drawn during the current drawing session.
  5. Added Go buttons to the right of the client and company e-mail address and website inputs on the General Project Data window.

Version 6.08.210 [1/29/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug where if there were any rooms with a zone number of 10, the temperature swing multiplier for that zone would be zero, which would also make the sensible gain for that zone show up as zero on the zone summary report. Note that this bug only affected the reporting of the sensible gain for zone 10, but the sensible gain for the entire system was being calculated correctly.
  2. Fixed a bug where if a room was set to heating only and the amount of ventilation entered was greater than the required supply CFM, an Overflow error could be encountered during calculation and would be reported in the Evaluation of Project window.
  3. Made it so the duct schedule database file, DuctDB.edb, is located in the program folder instead of the Common folder.
  4. Added an option to the General tab of the Select Reports dialog for whether or not to print the graphs in color.
  5. Made it so when you are editing a layer name, a sheet name or a property value, you can just click away from the text edit box and the change will take effect. An exception to that is when editing a property value on the Object Properties dialog and you click on a different object on the drawing.

Version 6.08.209 [1/9/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in version 6.08.208, where the inputs on the Room Data window for floor 2, roof 2, etc., did not have dropdown help available for them. The wall direction for walls 2 and up also was not being saved.

Version 6.08.208 [1/7/2002]

  1. Included a new weather database file where the design conditions for some cities were changed to be the same as in Manual J.
  2. For clarity, made it so the caption, tooltip and picture of the "Add Default Floor To New Rooms" and "Add Default Roof To New Rooms" menu items and toolbar buttons change based on whether the tool is checked (pressed down) or not.
  3. Added commands for adding or removing the intrinsic floor and roof for a Room object to the popup menu that appears when you right click the object on the Drawing Board window. The new menu items say "Set Intrinsic Floor [or Roof] To Default" or "Remove Intrinsic Floor [or Roof]," depending on whether a material code has been entered or not.
  4. Fixed a bug on the Background tab of the Options dialog where if you selected a different color for the Custom Color option, the new color would not necessarily show up right away on the preview monitor picture to the right.
  5. Added JPG files to the kinds of files that the various dialogs for finding a picture file include.
  6. Changed the caption of the menu item "Run Audit Program" to "Open Audit Program."
  7. Fixed a problem where the program would sound a beep when you pressed Enter on some of the inputs, including many on the Room Data window.
  8. Made it so the Room Data window performs much faster than before.
  9. Added buttons to the Load Preview window's toolbar to let you adjust the text size.
  10. Added a feature that had been included in the 6.07 version of Rhvac, where you can press Ctrl + Up Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow on any of the Room Data window's component inputs (floor, roof, etc.) to make that component scroll up or down.
  11. Changed the number of decimal places shown for tonnage from 3 to 2. This change applies to the Load Preview window as well as the reports.

Version 6.08.205 [12/17/2001]

  1. Changed the HTML Filename input on the Select Reports dialog to HTML Folder. Made it so you now select just the folder where you want the HTML file to go and it will automatically have the same name as the current project, except that the extension of the file will be htm. This change simplifies this feature a little and corrects a bug in its previous implementation where if you typed in a different filename for the HTML Filename input that was different than the base name of the current project, that name you typed in would not be used anyway; the HTML file generated would have the same base name as the current project.
  2. On new installations, made it so the program does not by default open a new project upon first opening the program.
  3. Fixed a problem with the installation, where if you checked the box to overwrite the existing duct schedule database, the database would only get overwritten if the existing file was older than the one included in the installation. Now it always overwrites the existing file if that is what you had asked.
  4. Added the title of this program to the caption of the Save Reminder window.
  5. Made it so when you import a sales proposal from an Audit project file the custom text block on the Custom Report window is reset to 1 instead of the last one in the list.
  6. Fixed a bug that made it so if you deleted the only room in a project while the Check Errors input was set to Yes an error 91, "Object variable or With block variable not set," would appear in the Evaluation of Room window.
  7. In the creation of EnergyGauge/FlaRes files, increased the maximum number of windows from 45 to 1000.
  8. Made it so the Select Reports window closes when you click "File | Close Project."
  9. Updated the project file to include information for the new, upcoming version of Audit.
  10. Made it so the Project Explorer's toolbar save file, PrjExpl.tlb, is deleted during installation if it exists.
  11. Took measures to prevent a problem where Room Name objects on Drawing Board could become linked to the wrong Room objects.
  12. Added a new menu item under the Help menu for a new "Frequently Asked Questions" topic in the Drawing Board help file.

Version 6.08.204 [10/22/2001]

  1. Changed a few of the dropdown help buttons beside the text inputs that had ellipses (three dots, "...") to an arrow in order to avoid confusion. The ellipses were indicating that a popup dialog would appear upon clicking the button rather than a dropdown help window, but the arrow apparently makes the function of the button easier to recognize.
  2. Increased the font size of the labels on the pie charts and bar graphs on both the reports and the Custom Graph window.
  3. Added the sensible and latent heat per person values recommended by Manual J to the dropdown help window on the People Loads inputs on the Design tab of the General Project Data window.
  4. On the Room Data window, made it so the focus goes to the next input upon pressing F6 on the inputs along the top and on the right hand side of that window.
  5. Added an option to automatically fill in the room name from the dropdown list as you type. This option can be turned on or off by a new checkable item in the General list on the Options window.
  6. Made it so if you select a Room object on the Drawing Board window and then open or switch to the Room Data window, it will display the data for that room.
  7. Made it so the infiltration option and the number of fireplaces shown on the Winter Infiltration dialog are saved with the project file.
  8. Moved the System Data toolbar button to the left so that it is just after the General Project Data button. Also moved the System Data menu item in the Project menu similarly.
  9. Fixed a bug that would cause an error 5 to be listed in the Evaluation of Project window if a custom roof was used that had less than 3 characters.
  10. Added a Background tab to the Options dialog which lets you specify the color or a picture to display in the main window's background.
  11. Made it so if a project has a drawing file associated with it the drawing filename will be shown on the right side pane of the Project Explorer and the red and blue house icon on the left includes a small indicator that there is a drawing associated with the project.
  12. Added a new default picture for the splash window that indicates that the program can be used for light commercial projects in addition to residential homes. If the program is being reinstalled, the existing splash picture is overwritten if is the previous generic picture.
  13. Removed the winter wet bulb temperature input on the General Project Data window.
  14. Removed the winter indoor relative humidity input on the System Data window.
  15. Fixed a bug where if any of the rooms were set for heating only but the system CFM was governed by cooling, the CFM shown at the zone level would incorrectly include the contribution of any room set for heating only. This bug did not affect the overall system CFM nor the CFM shown for individual rooms, but it did make the zone CFM too high under the circumstances.
  16. Changed the way the CFM per square foot check figure is calculated, so that it now is based on only the area of the rooms that correspond to cooling or heating, whichever airflow governs the system. For example, if the cooling CFM governs the system, only the area of the rooms that are being cooled are included in the area used for CFM per square foot. Note that the "Square ft. of Room Area" check figure is always based only on the general area of all the rooms entered, even if some are heating only or cooling only.
  17. Added a note to the Check Figures section of the reports that indicates that the area used in the CFM per square foot value is that of the rooms being heated or cooled, whichever governs at the system level.
  18. Added an air changes per hour figure for the supply CFM for all levels of calculation. The building, system and zone AC/hr value is shown in the Check Figures section, while that for the room is shown with the label "Supply Air Changes" on the Room Detailed Loads report.
  19. Modified the Frequently Asked Questions topic in the help file so that the questions are listed at the top with mid-topic jumps to the answer further down on the same page.
  20. Fixed a bug on the Report Viewer program where the Previous Page and Next Page buttons would not be enabled upon first opening a report.

Version 6.08.203 [10/11/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where if the Load Preview report had not been previously selected on the Select Reports dialog and you then opened the Load Preview window and clicked the "Print Preview of Load Preview" button, the Print Preview window would appear but with a blank report instead of the Load Preview report.
  2. On 10/12/2001, fixed a bug in the new exporting feature of Drawing Board where if you try to export a bitmap, dxf, etc., the file would not be of the correct picture type.

Version 6.08.202 [10/11/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug that made it so if you double clicked on the left pane of the Project Explorer away from any of the nodes a message could appear saying something about the project ".rhv" or the program could actually open a new file with that filename.
  2. Fixed a bug where if the Room Data window was maximized and you clicked one of the plus or minus buttons to change the number of visible rows of a material, the three control buttons for the Room Data window in the upper right hand corner of the main window would disappear.
  3. Added the Room menu's "Add Default Floor To New Rooms" and "Add Default Roof To New Rooms" buttons to the main toolbar by default.
  4. Fixed a bug where if you selected multiple Room objects on the Drawing Board window and then set the Duct Loss Multiplier property using the dialog, that property would be set for only one room. Also fixed a bug where the same sort of thing would happen on the Shading Index property for Window and Glass Door objects.
  5. Updated the help file to include more information about the Material Database window as well as entering custom glass materials.
  6. Fixed a bug where it was possible to paste an invalid number into an input causing a Type Mismatch error to occur which would be fatal to the input component, causing you to have to close and reopen the program.
  7. On the Weather Database window, made it so when you type a name into the city name input that is part of the current city name, the program will search through the list for the next city that also matches what you typed.
  8. Fixed a bug on the calculation of infiltration and ventilation air changes per hour when any of the rooms in the system have been set to heating only. The program was incorrectly using the volume of rooms designated as being in cooling mode instead of those in heating mode.
  9. Modified the help file for Rhvac and added more links to the Drawing Board help file in the Help menu.
  10. Made it so when the project is set to metric the Sensible Capacity and Latent Capacity inputs on the Equipment tab of the System Data window are converted to Watts both on that window and on the Room Load summary report.
  11. Made it so if you open a new child window which had been in a maximized state when it was closed previously, but there is a child window open that is not maximized the new child window will not be maximized either.
  12. Included a new catalog for Drawing Board, Electrical.dbc, which includes receptacles, lights, switches, etc..

Version 6.08.201 [8/1/2001]

  1. Changed the first line of the page header on the reports from "RHVAC - Residential HVAC Load Calculations" to "RHVAC - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads."
  2. On the Room Data window, made it so when you change the construction material for an existing wall, the Height input for that wall is not updated to match the height of the room if a height had already been entered for that wall.
  3. On the Room Data window, made it so if a valid floor has already been entered for floor 1 and the length and width of that floor had been matching that of the room, if you then type a new value for the room length or width, the floor's length and width are updated to be equal to that of the room. The same goes for roof 1.
  4. Made it so the file DrbNewD1.dll is installed into the Elite\DrawBrd folder instead of this program's folder.
  5. Added a Load Preview Report to the list of reports available on the Select Reports dialog. This report shows the same information as the Load Preview window and in a similar format. Also added a "Print Preview of Load Preview" button to the Load Preview window's toolbar, which will open the Print Preview window displaying only that report.
  6. Added other buttons to the Load Preview windows toolbar also: "Save Load Preview" saves the data from that window in a comma delimited text file, which can then be opened in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. "Copy to Clipboard" puts the same information in the Windows clipboard in tab delimited format, which can then be pasted into a spreadsheet program such as Excel.

Version 6.08.200 [7/14/2001]

  1. Fixed a problem where a Room Name object on the drawing could lose its link to a Room object after you delete one or more rooms and reopen the drawing. Also made it so existing drawings where this problem may have occurred are repaired if possible.

Version 6.08.199 [7/13/2001]

  1. Made it so the Drawing Board window opens (if in the normal windowstate) at the full size of the main window's client area.
  2. Modified the help file some more.
  3. Fixed a bug that was introduced in version 6.08.197 for glass items where if a user-defined shade screen coefficient had been entered it was not being saved. This bug made it so when you open a project made prior to 6.08.197, it would not recognize any user defined shade screen coefficients for glass items that you had entered.

Version 6.08.198 [7/7/2001]

  1. Updated the New Drawing dialog to include a CHVAC Drawings tab.
  2. Added a 'Save Reminder' feature to the Options dialog, which allows you to optionally set the program to display a message reminding you to save the project after a user-defined number of minutes.
  3. Fixed a bug where the Quick Print Reports menu item did not set the margins and other printer properties to their user-defined or default values.
  4. Updated the help file.
  5. Corrected a problem where the program was not properly linked with several of the topics in the help file, so that when you pressed F1 the Help Topics dialog would appear, but you would not be taken automatically to the topic you need.

Version 6.08.197 [6/20/2001] (Not released)

  1. Doubled the number of allowed floors, roofs, walls, glass and doors per room.
  2. Fixed a bug in the EnergyGauge file creation, where if the project had an input error specific to that program (such as an instance of a hollow core door, type 10A), the dat file would not get created.

Version 6.08.196 [6/14/2001]

  1. Made it so when you press F6 when the cursor is on any of the following inputs on the Room Data window, the value from the Default Room Data window is copied to that input: System Number, Zone Number, Length, Width, Height, Number of People, Sensible Equipment, Latent Equipment, Duct Gain Multiplier, Duct Loss Multiplier, Number of Registers, Infiltration CFM, Ventilation CFM, Lighting, Occurrences, Calculation Mode.
  2. Changed the text in the help for the summer and winter infiltration inputs so that the area ranges do not overlap (i.e., "900 - 1500" and "1500 - 2100" were changed to "900 - 1499" and "1500 - 2099").
  3. Made it so when you change the drawing file link to a different drawing file, the project is marked as needing to be saved.
  4. Fixed a bug where when the program was set to metric units, the heat pump HSPF efficiency ratings displayed on the Find HVAC Equipment window and copied to the Air Handler Data window's Equipment tab were incorrectly being multiplied by a factor to convert them to metric units. A conversion is not necessary for this rating.
  5. Fixed a bug where rooms drawing on the Drawing Board window that had their Room Occurrences property set to zero would not be included in the list of rooms shown on the Room Data window or the Project Explorer. Also, the room numbers shown on the reports for the other rooms would not reflect the existence of rooms that have Occurrences of zero.
  6. Fixed a bug where it was possible to import rooms from another project using the Import From RHVAC dialog while a project is in Drawing Board mode. Now the room list is grayed out when in Drawing Board mode.
  7. Fixed a bug that made it so the three child window control boxes in the upper right hand corner would not show up when certain child windows were maximized. These included the Drawing Board, System Data and Material Database windows.
  8. Fixed a bug where the Font sub menu would not appear when selecting the Font menu item at the bottom of the Format menu (which appears when the Drawing Board window is active).
  9. Added a menu item "Tools | Open Video File," which displays a common dialog opened to the Common folder for opening avi or mov files.
  10. Technical changes related to Drawing Board.

Version 6.08.194 [5/22/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances the dropdown list of page titles on the Print Preview window's Page Number input could display more pages than are currently showing in the current set of reports. This problem could happen only if you had previously generated a set of reports with the same project but this time fewer pages were required for the reports.
  2. Fixed a bug where if a room from another project edited in an earlier version of RHVAC was copied and pasted into the current project, it was possible for the Occurrences input for the glass items in the room to be too high.
  3. Fixed a bug where if a room from another project edited in an earlier version of RHVAC was copied and pasted using the Room menu or the toolbar on the Room Data window, it was possible for the occurrences input for the glass to be too high.
  4. Made it so when you use the New Project dialog to copy data from another project, that when you open the System Data window it will open with system 1 instead of 15.
  5. Fixed a bug where it was possible for a room copied from another project could have its Calculation Mode or Number of Occurrences set to an invalid number, which would cause the an Overflow error to be listed in the Evaluation of Project window when trying to calculate or evaluate the project.

Version 6.08.193 [5/18/2001]

  1. Made it so the program immediately becomes fully active upon upgrading from the demo level.
  2. Made the Find HVAC Equipment window go to the correct model type and default to an appropriate capacity range for the current system project when opened from the dropdown list on the inputs on the Equipment tab of the System Data window.
  3. Increased the speed of displaying the New Projects dialog, especially when there are a lot of projects in the Projects folder.
  4. Fixed a bug on the Room Data window where if a room had zero for the new Occurrences input and the room was evaluated, an error 55 could occur and show up as a listed error in the Evaluation of Room window.
  5. Fixed a bug on the Room Data window where if the Check Errors input was set to Yes, the current room would not be evaluated for errors if you went to a different room by selecting from the rooms listed on the "No.' input's dropdown help window.

Version 6.08.192 [5/14/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where a few of the calculated system values that are written to the project file for other Elite programs to read were not being converted to metric equivalents when the project was metric.

Version 6.08.191 [5/14/2001]

  1. Made some very slight adjustments to some of the metric conversion factors.

Version 6.08.190 [5/12/2001]

  1. Improved the speed of the Drawing Board drawing when resizing a room, moving walls, etc. when the "Floor 1 perimeter tracks sum of wall lengths" by speeding up the procedure that determines whether each wall is a partition or not.
  2. Made it so when you toggle a Wall figure's Included property, either by double clicking it or right clicking it and selecting Include Wall, the status of the wall in the adjacent room is also modified, if necessary, to be included or not.
  3. Made it so if you browse for a folder on the multi-project Project Explorer that is different than the current project folder, the Project Explorer will remain at that folder while the window remains open.
  4. Added drag and drop functionality to the Project Explorer windows. You can now drag and drop rooms to move them within the same project or copy them from the same or another project. You can drag and drop a room from the multi-project to the single-project version of this window and vice-versa. Dragging a room from another project to the current always results in a copy. Dragging a room from the current project is a move operation unless you hold the Ctrl key down, in which case it is a copy.
  5. Made it so double clicking on a Room node in the Project Explorer opens the Room Data window at the selected room. Made the Edit Room right click popup menu for a room on the Project Explorer bold to indicate that it is the default item, and that its command will be executed upon double clicking.
  6. Added a "Delete Project" item to the right click menu of the project file node on the Project Explorer. Clicking this item will display the standard Windows "Confirm File Delete" message box that asks, "Are you sure you want to send '[filename]' to the Recycle Bin?"
  7. Added a "Copy Project To" item to the right click menu of the project file node on the Project Explorer. Clicking this item will display a standard Save As dialog box with the title "Copy Project To," which lets you select the filename and location to which to copy the project file.
  8. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the Evaluation of Project window to not close when regenerating reports, and for there to wind up being more than one instance of this window open at the same time.
  9. Made it so when you add or delete a room on the Room Data window, any open Project Explorer windows are updated to reflect the change.
  10. Added a Units input to the General Project Data window. This input allows you to set the units for a project to either English or Metric. All existing data that you have already entered is converted behind the scenes and displayed according to the current units system.
  11. Made it so when using English units, the dimension data on the Room Data window can be displayed in feet and inches. Also added an option to the RHVAC Options dialog called, "Display values in decimal feet when using English units," which makes it so all the data is displayed in the old format. Note that it is still possible, when displaying data in decimal feet, to enter dimensions in feet and inches. It is even possible to enter dimensions in the units system not currently selected. In other words, if the Units input is set to English, you can enter 6.3m for the room width input, or if set to Metric, you can enter 3'-6" and the program will convert what you enter as needed.
  12. Made it so when you press the minus key while entering dimension data for a room, the single quote symbol is inserted into the input. This feature makes it so you can more easily enter dimensions on the Room Data window from the numeric keypad section on the right hand side of your keyboard.
  13. Added a keyboard shortcut "Alt+N" to the Room Data window. This keystroke returns the cursor to the "No." input.
  14. Made it so when a valid glass construction material is entered on the Room Data window, the glass reference input is automatically filled in with "1" if it had been zero.
  15. Made it so the rows of data in the Load Preview window have different colors for each level of calculation.
  16. Fixed a bug on the Number of Registers property for the Room object on the Special tab of the Object Properties window of Drawing Board, where the dropdown help window would not always be available.
  17. Added a Glass Occurrences input to the Room Data window. This input makes it so if you have a glass that occurs multiple times in the same wall or roof you only have to enter it once and then enter the appropriate number of occurrences.
  18. Added a Room Occurrences input to the Room Data window. This input makes it so if you have a room that occurs multiple times, you can enter it once and then enter the appropriate number of occurrences. It also makes it so you can turn a room off temporarily if necessary.
  19. Added a Calculation Mode input to the Room Data window, that lets you select whether a room is to be only heated, only cooled or both.
  20. Added properties to the Special tab of the Object Properties window of the Drawing Board window to correspond with the new inputs that are being added to the Room Data window. These new properties are: Glass Occurrences, Room Occurrences and Calculation Mode.
  21. Included a new sample project called Large Sample 2.rhv, which has a drawing file associated with it that includes many of the new catalog objects.

Version 6.08.188 [4/10/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug on the Room Data window where pressing F5 or F6 to copy the data from the Default Room Data window into the current glass did not copy the user-defined shade screen coefficient or the user-defined skylight tilt.
  2. Made it so on the Default Room Data window, when you enter a skylight material for a glass, that the Shading Index defaults to a number that is appropriate for a skylight.

Version 6.08.187 [4/9/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug on the Room Data window where the user-defined shade screen coefficient that is automatically assigned to a glass from the Material Database whenever you enter the construction material, was being assigned to the wrong glass number whenever the glass items were scrolled down by at least one at the time that the material was first entered. This problem would only occur when glass items have user-defined shade screen coefficients.

Version 6.08.186 [4/9/2001]

  1. Made it so the report page titles are saved in a file with the extension "prp" when saving a report file. The Report Viewer program also now can detect the prp file and list the page titles in its Page Number dropdown combobox.
  2. Fixed a bug where if you copied Project data from a project that had a drawing linked to it, the drawing file could be mistakenly linked to the newly created project.
  3. Added the text "(Drawing Board Mode)" to the Room Data window's caption whenever the project is set to enter room data with the Drawing Board window.
  4. Made it so you can freely type in the roof direction on both the Room Data window and the Special tab of Drawing Board's Object Properties window.
  5. Fixed a bug where the roof direction entered on the Object Properties dialog was always read by the calculations as "UP".
  6. Fixed a bug on the Room Data window, where if a glass has a user-defined shade screen coefficient (in the "Other" input on the Shading Index Calculator) that had been defined previously, and you then open the Shading Index Calculator and change only that custom shade screen coefficient and click OK, the new value you enter would not always get saved.
  7. Fixed a bug where you could not enter a negative winter dry bulb temperature on the Weather Database window.

Version 6.08.185 [3/30/2001]

  1. Changed the default (Auto) line color for the Room object's background polygon from black to light gray. Also changed the default line color of non-included Wall objects from black to light gray. This change helps to make the interior walls look less prominent than before.
  2. Fixed a bug where if objects from "RHVAC Drawing Objects" and "Ductsize Drawing Objects" were on the same drawing it was possible for the project file in the current program to be corrupted.
  3. Fixed a bug where if you selected to copy the drawing from an existing project on the New Project dialog, the drawing would not get copied.

Version 6.08.184 [3/22/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in 6.08.183 where sensible gain was not being calculated for any glass. Note that version 6.08.183 was only available on the web for about an hour and a half.

Version 6.08.183 [3/22/2001]

  1. Added a "Print Selected Pages" button to the Print Preview window. Clicking this button displays a new dialog that lets you select any of the pages from the current Print Preview window that you want to print.
  2. On the General Project Data window, fixed a bug that made it so you could not type in a value into the Roughness Factor input for the main trunk and runouts. You could select from the list of suggested roughness factors in the dropdown help window before, but you could not type in a non-zero number.
  3. Fixed a bug where if you had the Material Database window open and in a state where you were editing a material (Accept and Cancel were enabled) and you opened a different project, the list on that window would not be enabled so that you could click it.
  4. Fixed a bug where a page of the Custom Report could be printed for a custom text block that was blank. Now if the text is blank the custom text block will not be printed in any case.
  5. Added the page titles to the dropdown list for the Page Number combobox on the Print Preview window's toolbar.
  6. Changed the main header of the Detailed Room Loads report to include the room number and name. Also changed the first secondary header to just say, "General" instead of the room number and name. This change allows for a better description to be displayed in the new page title list in the Page Number combobox, as well as in the new Print Selected Pages dialog.
  7. Fixed a bug on the room cooling and heating bar charts where the number of pages required for the report was not being calculated correctly in all cases. There is supposed to be one page for each group of 10 rooms, so that if there are 1-10 rooms, one page will be printed, if there are 11-20 rooms, two pages will be printed, etc.
  8. Took measures to ensure that the focus is set to the Project Title input when the General Project Data window is first displayed.
  9. On the Room Data window, made it so if a valid partition material code is not entered for a wall, the STD and WTD inputs are set to zero.
  10. Added an option to the Options window that executes the New Project function upon opening the program.
  11. Reworked the design of the program so that some of the code that was in external components that are specific to this program are now incorporated within the main exe. This change makes it easier to maintain the code.
  12. Made it so if the STD and WTD inputs are grayed out, they are not included in the tab sequence, which means you can press the Tab key when on the Dir input and the cursor will go to the next wall. The same applies for the O.Proj and O.Off inputs for glass.
  13. Made it so if you edit a material on the Material Database window and the Room Data or Default Room Data window is already open, when you switch back to that window it will recognize the new material data that you entered.
  14. Made it so a descriptive error is added to the Evaluation of Project window if you draw a non-intrinsic floor or roof object that has a larger area than that of the Room object.
  15. Changed the shortcut menu key for the "File | Select Reports" item from "T" to "R". Also added "T" as a shortcut menu key for the "File | Save Copy of Drawing As Template".
  16. Added "E-Mail Address" and "Website" inputs for the Client and Company tabs on the General Project Data window.
  17. Made it so on all the lines on the top section of the Project report (except for the "Project Title" line) the line will not print unless something was entered for that item on the General Project Data window.
  18. Made adjustments to the title page and other reports to better accomodate variable margins.

Version 6.08.181 [3/5/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug that prevented version 6.07 project files from being converted to the new format. Version 6.07 project files would open but they would appear to be completely blank.

Version 6.08.180 [3/2/2001]

  1. Drawing Board changes (See Readme.doc in Elite\DrawBrd folder).

Version 6.08.179 [2/28/2001] (Not Released)

  1. Fixed a bug on the Material Database window where the Shading frame with the Shade Screen Coefficient input was not showing up and disappearing at the appropriate times when you were editing or creating a new custom material type.

Version 6.08.178 [2/28/2001] (Not Released)

  1. Technical changes related to saving the drawing file associated with a project.
  2. Modified the RHVAC Drawing Objects to include some new and different custom objects, including a Condensing Unit object.
  3. Modified the drawings for the sample projects to include the Ductsize Drawing Objects catalog.
  4. Included the Ductsize Drawing Objects catalog with the installation.

Version 6.08.176 [2/27/2001] (Not Released)

  1. Fixed a bug where the entering the material for the Door object on the drawing did not automatically update the u-value for that door.
  2. Made it so the Save Project As command on a project that you have already named once (it is not "Untitled"), and that has a drawing linked to the project, the drawing will be copied to a new file as well.
  3. Fixed bugs related to the new Skylight and Roll-Up Door objects introduced in the alpha test version.
  4. Made it so an input error is added to the Evaluation of Project window if you don't have a North Arrow object on the drawing.
  5. Made it so when you add a catalog to the Catalog Browser the project is marked as needing to be saved.

Version 6.08.172 2/22/2001 (Alpha Test Version)

  1. Fixed a bug where the Floor 1 perimeter would not track with the wall lengths if you entered the wall by pressing F5.
  2. Made it so if the Default Room Data window's wall height input is zero, the height of the walls of a Room object created on the Drawing Board window will be the height of the default room.
  3. Added an option that makes it so the Object Properties window will move down to the next property when you press Enter.
  4. Made it so when you drop a new window or door object onto a wall on the Drawing Board window, it will center itself on the nearest grid snap point.
  5. Fixed a bug where it was possible to get error messages in the current project that were left over from a previously opened project that had a drawing that had errors.
  6. On the General Project Data window, made it so when you click on a tab the focus shifts to the first input on that tab.
  7. Added Print Setup for Drawing and Page Setup for Reports menu items under the File menu. Also changed the name of the Print Setup tool to Print Setup for Reports and made it so the printer and orientation settings are saved with the program.
  8. Added a Save Drawing As Template menu item under the File menu. This item allows you to save a DTP file to the Templates folder.
  9. Added the name of the room to the errors that are listed in the Evaluation of Project window.
  10. Added the text "Under Vent. Attic" to the descriptions for the number 16 roofs in the Material Database. Changed the descriptions for these roofs in in example projects also, but for any existing projects you have you will need to open the Material Database window and click the Restore button, then click "Restore All Standard Descriptions and U-Values" to see the new descriptions.
  11. Added a Set Drawing File Link item to the File menu. This item allows you to change the drawing for the current project to a different one.
  12. Added the room number to the room names shown on the Load Preview window.
  13. Added a Run Audit Program menu item under the Tools menu.
  14. Added an option to the RHVAC Options dialog to make it so the General Project Data window will be displayed whenever you open a project.
  15. Made it so the current date is inserted into the Date input on the General Project Data window if no date has been filled in.
  16. Fixed a bug where the arrow buttons did not work on the scrollbars that appear on a child window when the window is smaller than its full size.
  17. Fixed a bug where the u-value for a door was not automatically inserted into the Object Properties window when you select a different material for the door.
  18. Added a "Roll Up Door" figure to the Catalog Browser to provide an additional type of door for the drawing.
  19. Fixed a bug where the non-intrinsic Roof and Floor objects would not automatically move themselves if the Room object moved.
  20. Fixed a bug where if you used a Length and Width Units setting on the Drawing Properties dialog different than Feet and Inches or Feet, the length of the room (used as area for non-rectangular rooms) used in the calculation was incorrect.

Version 6.08.158 [1/27/2001] (Not released)

  1. See the Readme.doc file in the Elite\DrawBrd folder for information on this latest update.

Version 6.08.154 [1/24/2001]

  1. Made it so the Room object's intrinsic floor perimeter tracks the sum of the wall lengths. Only walls that have the Include Wall property set to True and that are not partitions are included in the sum. The perimeter will track only if the option for this feature is checked on the RHVAC Options dialog.

Version 6.08.153 [1/19/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where it was possible to have an error 5 show up in the Evaluation of Project window during the calculation of duct sizes.
  2. Fixed a bug where if the winter CFM for a runout was the one being used to size the duct, the value used in the duct sizing calculations for the temperature of the air in the duct was too low, which could have caused the duct to be slightly undersized.

Version 6.08.152 [1/15/2001]

  1. Added the missing Ventilation CFM property to the Room object on Drawing Board.
  2. Fixed a bug where the Drawing Board Room object's Lighting Watts, Infiltration CFM and Ventilation CFM were not being written to the project file.
  3. Added two new menu items to the Room menu: "Add Default Floor To New Rooms" and "Add Default Roof To New Rooms". Clicking these items toggles them on or off, as indicated by the item appearing pressed or not. These items make it so whenever you add a new room, either on the Room Data window or on the Drawing Board window, the floor and roof entered on the Default Room Data window will be automatically added to the room. On Drawing Board, these are filled in on the Intrinsic Floor and Intrinsic Roof properties on the Special tab of the Object Properties window. These items are also added as two new toolbar buttons on the Room Data window.
  4. Added inputs for the title page picture width and height on the Select Reports dialog. These inputs make it so you can set the dimensions of the picture. When left at zero, the picture is printed at its default size.
  5. Added the ability to export a file for the Florida Solar Energy Center's EnergyGauge program. The exported file is in the format of the Fla/Res program, the predecessor to EnergyGauge. To export an EnergyGauge file, open a project and click "File | Export | EnergyGauge/FlaRes File..."

Version 6.08.151 [1/5/2001]

  1. For the Room object on the Drawing Board window, added the missing Number of Registers property.
  2. Fixed a bug introduced in one of the recent versions where projects imported from version 6.07 did not have materials and were thus invalid.

Version 6.08.150 [12/28/2000]

  1. Modified AutoLoad.rhv to have system data in each of the 15 systems.
  2. Fixed a bug where selecting Blank Project on the New Project dialog would create a project that did not have enough data in it to be a valid project (material lists would be blank, etc.).
  3. Fixed a bug where the Shade Screen Coefficient was not copied into the input when copying a material into a new custom material using the Copy button on the Material Database window.
  4. Made it so the "System CFM" input on the System Data window is grayed out when the "System air type" input is set to Auto. This was done in order to clarify the purpose of these inputs.
  5. Updated the Tipofday.txt file.

Version 6.08.146 [12/19/2000]

  1. Fixed a bug where the Default Room Data window's Height and Wall Height and Length inputs were being restricted to the Demo level even when the program was Active.

Version 6.08.145 [12/18/2000]

  1. Fixed a bug where if you had previously clicked OK on the New Project dialog, and the next time you opened the dialog you clicked Cancel, the program would still copy data from another project into the current project.
  2. Reversed the default settings for showing the Single Project Explorer and the Multi Project Explorer on startup. The default is now to show the multi and not show the single.

Version 6.08.144 [12/18/2000] (Not released)

  1. Made it so clicking the "Tools|Toolbars|Reset All" menu will recreate the menu items that are for Drawing Board (View, Format and Draw).
  2. Made it so if there are more floors, roofs, walls, glass or doors drawn for a room an error message indictating that is so will be included in the Evaluation of Project window.
  3. On the Room Data window, made it so when Roof 1 has something other than "Up" as its direction and you enter a skylight material in the Glass Material input, the Shading Index input defaults to a 30 degree tilt instead of horizontal.

Version 6.08.143 [12/14/2000]

  1. Added an option "Default to Whole Page view" to the General tab of the Select Reports dialog.
  2. Added a "Reference direction" input to the Rotate or Mirror Rooms dialog to allow you to specify the direction from which to rotate rooms. Previously, there was no input and the reference direction was fixed at North.
  3. Added back the shortcut keys from version 6.07 for People, Equipment, Duct and Other inputs on the Room Data and Default Room Data windows.
  4. Changed the default setting of the Check Errors input on the Room Data window to Yes.
  5. Fixed a bug on the calculation and display of the area of non-intrinsic Floor and Roof objects on the Drawing Board window.
  6. Fixed a bug on the Drawing Board window where if you opened another project while that window was open the rooms from the drawing would not get written to the project file.

Version 6.08.142 (Not released) [12/13/2000]

  1. Changed the "Start in Drawing Board mode" checkbox on the New Project dialog to default to not being checked when you first open that dialog.
  2. Fixed a bug on the Summary Loads reports where floors that were not slab on grade reported zero area and slab on grade floors reported the area instead of the perimeter.
  3. Fixed a bug where the Room Load Summary report's secondary header was still saying "Htg Nom CFM" when a radiator Btuh per foot had been entered for the system. The column header now says "Htg Rad Len" for Heating Radiator Length.
  4. Added a checkbox for the Custom Report on the Data to Copy list on the New Project dialog.
  5. On the Import From RHVAC dialog, changed the Sales Proposal item in the list to Custom Report, and fixed a bug where the custom report was not being imported when that box was checked.
  6. Added a "New Project" tab to the Options dialog, which allows you to select to either display the New Project dialog upon clicking the New Project menu, or to automatically copy another project file into the new project. This feature is a preservation of the Autoload feature that was built in to version 6.07 and previous versions. If a drawing file is associated with a project that you enter as a default, it is copied as well.
  7. Fixed a bug on the System Data window where it would not display the Find HVAC Equipment window when you clicked the dropdown help's item for it on the inputs on the Equipment tab.
  8. Fixed a bug on Windows 95 & 98 where the most recently selected list of items on the Material inputs on the Room Data window (and Drawing Board) did not include the item descriptions.
  9. Made it so all the Material Inputs on the Drawing Board window's Material inputs for RHVAC objects include the recently selected items feature.
  10. Added an "Existing Rooms Warning" message box that is displayed whenever you try to switch from Room Data window mode to Drawing Board mode when there are already existing rooms in a project.
  11. Made it so today's date is inserted into the Project Date input on the General Project Data window when you press Backspace when the input is blank.
  12. Added a Drawing Board Options button to the View menu when the Drawing Board window is active.
  13. Added many features to the Drawing Board window. See the Readme.doc file in the C:\Elite\DrawBrd folder for a list.
  14. Made it so the drawing does not make the project need to be saved until an actual change is made to it.
  15. Increased the speed of closing the project when the Drawing Board window is open.
  16. Fixed a bug where if you opened a different project while the Drawing Board window was open, the window would sometimes still have the previous project's drawing loaded.
  17. Modified the Sample and Large Sample projects. The new files show more dimension lines, have more layers, have intrinsic floor and roof materials, etc.
  18. Fixed a bug where the project file would not be updated properly if you opened a different project while the Drawing Board was open.

Version 6.08.135 [11/14/2000]

  1. Fixed a bug where selecting Print Preview Drawing would make the Drawing Board toolbar so that it would not reappear when you closed the print preview of the drawing.

Version 6.08.134 [11/14/2000]

  1. Fixed a bug where the Quick Print Reports feature did not work. Printing had to be done from the Print Preview window.
  2. Fixed a bug on the Miscellaneous Report where the headings for Main Trunk and Runout were reversed.
  3. Made it so when you press F5 on floor 1 or roof 1 on the Room Data window, the cursor automatically goes down to the next component type (roof 1 or wall 1).
  4. Corrected the tab order on the Room Data window.
  5. Changed the capitalization on the reports to be more consistent.
  6. Made various changes to the formatting of the reports.

Version 6.08.132 Initial Release [11/13/2000]

  1. Bundled the Drawing Board setup with RHVAC's setup.
  2. Added Drawing Board help.
  3. Modified help file.

Version 6.08.127 Final Beta for 6.08 (Beta 5)

This version is a totally redone program, which includes several new features. We released several 6.08 Beta versions, the details of which are listed in the ReadMe.doc file that the rhvsetup.exe program will install. The details of those incremental beta versions are not listed here, but below is a summary of the new features:

  1. Drawing Board Enabled - If you have either the demo or full version of Drawing Board installed on your computer, RHVAC 6.08 will allow you to optionally enter all the room data for a project by simply drawing the floor plan on the screen. All room data is automatically read from the drawing. If you have the demo version of Drawing Board installed, you can draw any size floor plan you like, but the calculations will only calculate for three rooms where each is no larger than 15' x 15'.
  2. Easier to Use - Each window of RHVAC has been redone to make it easier to use than ever before.
  3. Improved Dropdown Help - Dropdown help windows have been added to virtually every input throughout the program. The dropdown help windows have been changed to a new, easier to use style.
  4. Improved Online Help - The help file reference has been completely redone to make it easier to find what you need, and we have added a lot of information that was not in the previous version's help file. There is now a complete organizational tree of the help file on the Contents tab of the Help Topics dialog.
  5. Improved Duct Sizing - Duct sizing calculations have been modified to allow an easier to understand set of duct sizing inputs, including a new Duct Schedules window. It is now not even necessary to use a schedule to find the duct sizes, but if you do the schedule is much easier to work with than before because there is only one schedule and each entry represents either a duct width or a duct diameter.
  6. Improved Load Preview - The new Load Preview window now lets you see all the load information for each room at the same time instead of only room one at a time. The Load Preview window can be docked to the main window to allow for easier simultaneous viewing of the calculated loads and the data inputs.
  7. Inputs for Summer and Winter Partition Temperature Differences - You can now enter an exact temperature difference for each wall partition. Both cooling and heating temperature differences can be entered.
  8. Inputs for Overhang Projection and Offset - The projection and offset values for each window overhang are now entered next to the rest of the glass inputs instead of on another window and then referenced.
  9. Easier Customization of Room Data Inputs - The numbers of visible floor, roof, wall, glass and door inputs can now be adjusted with just one click, and the visible number for each item can now be set to any value up to the total number of each item. In other words, if you want to see all 10 walls and all 10 windows at the same time, you can do so.
  10. Customizable Reports - The fonts and colors of the reports are now totally customizable. You can set the fonts and colors of each individual part of the reports.
  11. Improved Report Appearance - Each of the reports has been redone to improve its appearance. The reports are neater and more attractive.
  12. Improved Print Preview Window - The new Print Preview window allows for much easier navigation of the reports, with much improved both keyboard and mouse scrolling and zooming. Reports can now be saved to disk, and previously saved reports can be opened and viewed. The Print Preview window can now remain open at the same time as the other project windows.
  13. Mirror Rooms Feature - Rooms can now be mirrored about an axis in addition to being rotated. The mirror room feature is primarily intended for accommodating "flip plan" situations. The Rotate or Mirror Rooms dialog now allows you to select any random selection of rooms in a project instead of just those within a certain sequence.
  14. Improved Global Material Change - The Global Material Change dialog now allows you to change the materials for any group of rooms in the project instead of just those within a certain sequence. When changing a glass material, the shading and glass type properties are now modified only as needed.
  15. Improved Sales Proposals - The Sales Proposal window has been replaced with the new Custom Report window, which has been totally redesigned to allow you to customize each part of the report. A new Custom Text Blocks feature has been added that allows you to add an unlimited number of titled sections of text to the report. The Custom Report can now hold an unlimited amount of text.

Version 6.07.74 [6/13/2000]

  1. Added Basement to the RoomName.txt file.
  2. Updated the project file to include the room CFM and calculated number of registers for the Ductsize program to import.
  3. Included new Sample.rhv and Autoload.rhv files.

Version 6.07.73 [5/24/2000]

  1. Fixed a bug that was introduced with version 6.07.71 or 6.07.72 where it was possible to get an error 91, "Object variable or With block variable not set" when closing the Material Database window from a maximized state.

Version 6.07.72 [5/2/2000]

  1. Fixed a bug that was introduced with version 6.07.71 where it was possible to get an error 13, Type Mismatch, when entering a new material on the Material Database window.
  2. Fixed a problem related to long and short filenames when selecting a new default manufacturer on the General Project Data window. The program could sometimes erroneously say that a selected database file was not in the Common directory, when in fact it was.

Version 6.07.71 [4/27/2000]

  1. Made it so if you change an existing glass material code on the Room Data window to another valid material code, the SI and appropriate shade screen coefficient are automatically filled in for that glass.

Version 6.07.70 [4/25/2000]

  1. Technical changes.

Version 6.07.69 [4/24/2000] (Not released)

  1. Changed the default behavior of the Room Data window so that it does not automatically paste in the default room's floor, roof, wall, glass on first use of the program. The "Auto copy default room data into newly created rooms" option is still available on the Options window if that behavior is desired.
  2. Corrected the tab order on the HVAC System Data window.
  3. Fixed a bug on the Shading Index Calculator dialog where sometimes the text that shows the description of the current glass would include some unnecessary text.
  4. Added a new input, Shade Screen Coefficient, to the Material Database for glass items. For the standard or custom glass types, a shade screen coefficient can be entered that will automatically be assigned to the glass whenever the material code for the glass is entered on the Room Data window.
  5. Made it so an appropriate Shading Index is automatically assigned whenever a window, glass door or skylight is entered on the Room Data window.
  6. Added two new custom glass material types to the default material database (in Autoload.rhv). The new glass types are Southwall Technologies' clear Solis film on 1/8" and 1/4" single pane windows.
  7. Made it so a glass item is considered invalid if it is referenced to a partition wall.
  8. Fixed a bug where not all of the menu items under the Room menu would be properly enabled when the Room Data window was opened while no other window was open.

Version 6.07.68 [11/17/99]

  1. Fixed a bug where if summer ventilation was entered and a temperature swing multiplier not equal to one was specified for a system, the calculated required cooling CFM at the system and building levels would be too high.
  2. Modified the installation program to work on Windows 2000.
  3. Made the Autoload.rhv file to have Auto instead of Fixed selected for system 1.