Prevented users from trying to edit the material database while it is open in the select materials screen, and vice versa.
03/07/03 Version 2.0.37
Changed heading in output report from "Representative" to "Company Rep" to avoid text wrap around when a larger font is selected.
Added debugging tools to aid in tracking database problems.
12/27/02 Version 2.0.36
Updated import from RHVAC to support RHVAC version 8.0
Added license import function to About box
09/19/02 Version 2.0.35
Correction for error that occurs when a equipment database name is used
and the program hasn't stripped trailing spaces from name. Used to error out
because it could not find the database file with extended filename.
05/22/02 Version 2.0.34
Internal update sent only to beta testers. Corrected margins settings
for wide footnotes (print preview only).
04/12/02 Version 2.0.33
Internal update sent only to beta testers. Added links for help to new fields.
Install script checks to see if there is an existing QUOTE.MDB and will
no longer replace it.
12/20/01 Version 2.0.32
Changed the output field for the list price in the Sales Report.
12/04/01 Version 2.0.31
Released copy that has many changes to the layout of the Summary Model data screen.
Noteworthy are the addition of a separate overall profit entry, which can be used separate
from the individual "line" items.
11/11/01 Version 2.0.30
Internal update sent only to beta testers. Further corrections and changes to the Summary Model data screen.
09/27/01 Version 2.0.29
Internal update sent only to beta testers. Dealt with changes to the Summary Model data screen.
09/21/01 Version 2.0.28
Additional changes to the Summary Model Data window resulting in the following corrections:
The Pretax Subtotal Sales Price is correctly calculated when changing the Model
Gross Margin, Price Markup, List Discount, or Dealer Override.
When changing the Tax Rate, the resulting Total Sales Price is instantly displayed.
Entering numbers into the Taxable Materials Sales Price was not formatting them
properly, by placing the cursor to the left of the dollar sign. Corrected.
09/14/01 Version 2.0.27
A major rewrite of the Summary Model Data window resulting in the following changes:
Selecting a model now instantly displays the Dealer cost. The
data was there, but not displayed until the cursor hit it.
Various fields were not refreshing the results after a value was changed. Now corrected.
Subtotals, tax values, and final totals were being rounded off with some loss in accuracy.
Now corrected.
Some of the subtotals could be made to not add up to the column values above. Corrected.
Better handling of gross margins and price markups, especially when list price was not defined.
The order in which the cursor moves on the General Project Data window/Company Data
tab when pressing the Tab key has been corrected.
Clicking on the Help menu, followed by clicking on Elite Software on the Web,
and selecting Free Software Demos. An obsolete web page was displayed, but it is
now pointing to the updated web page. The same is true for selecting the News Room link.
Clicking on the Tools menu to Run the RHVAC Program has been updated to match
the new RHVAC program name. Previously it would not load the new version of the program.
The splash window stays on the screen for less time.
08/07/01 Version 2.0.26
Reorganized the Summary Model Data window for better layout and more logic.
05/04/01 Version 2.0.25
Increased the row height of the Edit/Add Materials database screen,
because sometimes if it is too narrow in height, you cannot select a field
to edit.
Add prompt to confirm when user selects to clear (delete) material
FYI, not a program change - the list of "material checklists" in the
Select Material Costs screen is divided into two sections, one being a list
of all the checklists the user has created, and the other being the most
recently selected material checklists (for user convenience). No changes
here, but a user wanted a better explanation about what this was.
When user changes the quantity of a material, it instantly changes the
cost values.
04/25/01 Version 2.0.24
Modified procedures that determine if data has changed to ensure that in
all cases where it has changed, it will be saved. Thanks Bob!
Corrected error that could cause the model gross margin to be zeroed when
changing the labor gross margin. Thanks for the heads up, Darrell!
We just added a confirmation question to the Clear button on labor costs
screen, to allow you to abort the clear function and avoid losing the
entered labor data.
If no accessories are specified, then the accessory report page will not
be printed, even if they option had been previously checked (like the user
selected some accessories and then removed them). Requested by Vadim.
Program no longer locks up if the project explorer is opened with more
than 100 project files.
Added part number column to installer's report.
02/27/01 Version 2.0.23
Quote has been tested to make sure it works with Word 2000, as it did with
Word 97. Also enlarged (and re-wrote) the selection field for it in the
Report Options screen, so it would be easier to find and select.
On Select Materials screen, the Clear button was close to the Search
button. If you accidently pressed the Clear button, all your selected
materials would be "de-selected". We just added a confirmation question to
the Clear button, to allow you to abort the clear function and avoid losing
the selections.
On Select Materials screen, "Material list" has been renamed to "Material
Checklist", as it had been for the DOS version of Quote. This will help
distinguish it from the entire material list as a point of confusion.
The Accessory page can now be turned off.
Program won't lock up if missing logo file, both in the splash screen and
the About box.
11/17/00 Version 2.0.22
Program was updated to be able to import the latest versions
of the RHVAC project files.
5/25/00 Version 2.0.21
Internal alpha test version.
1/31/00 Version 2.0.20
If you have the Summary Model Data screen open and then open the GPD
screen, control will not be wreasted from GPD to Summary. Also, there will
not be the occasional screen flicker one user reported. Also, if you
changed the default database in GPD, it will only appear in the Summary
screen if you clear that field. Previously it always overwrote the database
Changed email address from "" to
9/28/99 Version 2.0.19
Save material database name with each project, use it as default at load
Updated Quote install routine to include updated DLLs
8/12/99 Version 2.0.18
In the General Project Data screen, if the user blanks out the default equipment
database name, Quote inserts the same hvac equipment file as RHVAC, CHVAC and AUDIT
specify as the default database in the WIN.INI.
In the General Project Data screen, Quote no longer allows the entry "*.MDB" as a
selection for the default equipment file.
Changed the phrase "Default Database:" to "Default Equipment File:" in General
Project Data screen.
When changing the Material database name, and the user has already selected
materials(takeoffs), we now warn user of losing already selected items.
If there is an error while opening a different material database, Quote returns
to the previous good one, if there was one.
6/24/99 Version 2.0.17
Fixed an error that caused a run time error 424 if you tried to use a project that had 0 for heating unit quantity or sales price.
If the calculated total sales prices for each line is different from the quoted sales price, we now list both.
Fixed an error that caused an error when loading a user created proposal format.
4/24/99 Version 2.0.16
Fixed an error that caused a run time error if you tried to start a new project WITHOUT using autoload.quw.
Added a new utility to repair the QUOTE materials/footnote database.
Added a new utility to export the QUOTE materials/footnote database to a floppy disk.
Added a new utility to import the QUOTE materials/footnote database from a floppy disk.
3/24/99 Version 2.0.15
Fixed an error that caused the total sales price to constantly retotal even if the user entered in a custom total sales price.
2) Fixed an error that prevented the Material Lists screen from opening.
3/9/99 Version 2.0.14
Fixed an error that caused the model sales price to convert to $0.00 if no models were selected.
2/12/99 Version 2.0.13
Fixed an error that corrupted the material database when you added a new material but did not fill in the description field.
2/2/99 Version 2.0.12
Fixed an error that occurred when you created a new material database
and then immediately clicked on Add New Material.
Fixed an error that that occurred when you try to create a material list
when there are no materials in the material database.
Added a cancel button to the message box that comes up when QUOTE finds
a corrupted file.
1/7/99 Version 2.0.11
Fixed an error which occurred when you selected a cooling model from one
manufacturer and a heating model from another manufacturer. The Sales
Report would incorrectly name the cooling manufacturer as the heating
12/17/98 Version 2.0.10
Fixed an error when previewing/printing reports in which the Operating
Cost was always printed even if it was turned off in the Report Options
Fixed an error in which the Heat Exchange Warranty information was not
being saved in QUOTE correctly. As a result, no matter which model you
chose in the Model Selection Screen, the Heat Exchange Warranty information
was never brought into QUOTE.
12/14/98 Version 2.0.9
Fixed an error with the List Discount calculations on the Summary Model
Data Screen.
Fixed a run time error when you tried to Clear the third panel of
printable options on the Report Options Screen
Fixed a run time error (No Current Record) on the Footnotes screen that
prevented deletion of a footnote from the database.
Fixed a bug that caused the date to print twice in report footers.
Reparied a timing error that sometimes caused incorrect calculations
with Gross Margin, Price Markup, and List Discount values, thus throwing the
Sales Price off.
Fixed an error that caused the Heat Exchange Warranty to be printed even
if it was turned off in the Report Options Screen.
11/23/98 Version 2.0.8
Fixed an error on the Summary Model Data screen where Gross Margin,
Price Markup, and List Discount changes were not being saved correctly.
Fixed an error on the reports where Operating Cost was always giving the
1st system operating cost no matter which system was selected.
9/28/98 Version 2.0.7
Fixed a small error that occurred when selecting a model that gave an
error message of "This database is not correctly formatted."
9/25/98 Version 2.0.6
Fixed a Run Time Error 5251 when converting the sales report to Word 97.
9/23/98 Version 2.0.5
Added the Convert Sales Proposal to Word 97.
9/16/98 Version 2.0.4
Repaired an error in which you couldn't view the categories when Viewing
Selected Materials, Viewing Selected Accessories, or Viewing Selected
Materials and Accessories in the Material Costs Screen.
8/31/98 Version 2.0.3
Added graphs to the output reports.
Added Import Materials from Excel to the Database Menu.
Added functionality for multiple material databases.
Repaired an error in the Customize Proposal Banner screen.
Added a Contractor's ID Number field to the General Project Data screen.
7/29/98 Version 2.0.2 Beta 1
Added EPA Compliance to the Model Selection Screen.
6/26/98 Version 2.0.1 Beta 1
Fixed a scrolling error in the Footnotes screen.
Repaired the Proposals database, fixing an internal JET Database Engine
6/25/98 Version 2.0.0 Beta 1
Completed and added the Import from AUDIT Project File functionality to
the File Menu.
Completed and added the Import from RHVAC Project File functionality to
the File Menu.
Completed and added the Import from CHVAC Project File functionality to
the File Menu.
6/3/98 Version 1.09.12 Beta 1
Fixed an error in the Detailed Cost Report that caused the WH Data to
print even if WH models were not selected.
Completed and added the Import from Quote Project File functionality to
the File Menu.
5/27/98 Version 1.09.11 Beta 1
Fixed an error in the Sales Report that caused the WH Data to print even
if WH models were not selected.
5/26/98 Version 1.09.10 Beta 1
Fixed an error in the Convert DOS Quote Project File to Windows Quote
Project File that caused the systems to be numbered incorrectly.
5/22/98 Version 1.09.9 Beta 1
Completed and added the Installer's Report.
Completed and added the Convert DOS Quote Project File to Windows Quote
Project file to the file menu.
Fixed an error in the Edit Material screen where you receive an error 94
if you delete all of the records in the material database, add some of
custom materials, exit the program, and then go back in.
5/11/98 Version 1.09.8 Beta 1
Fixed a run time error (no current record) when trying to save a New
Proposal Format on the Report Options Screen.
Fixed the search feature on the Model Selection Screen – the old search
engine skipped the first model in its search.
Added a new procedure (CloseHelpInfoWindowIfOpen) to the Help
Information Screens that prevents run time error 400.
Removed the right-click project menu from the Model Selection Form. If
the Model Selection Form was shown modally and you right clicked on it and
selected a different screen from the project menu, it would give you run
time error 402.