Elite Software
Elite Software Newsletter
April 11th, 2022

In this Issue

The Elite Software Update Manager program, which checks for updates for your programs, recently stopped working due to changes in the security settings of our server. In order for your Elite program to continue to be able to check for updates, be sure to download and install the latest version.

Download Update Manager Latest Version

If you have questions on any topic, please feel free to call 800-648-9523 or 979-690-9420, or send email to info@elitesoft.com.


Bill Smith
President, Elite Software

What is the Elite Software Update Manager program?

We are always updating our various programs. Whether it be minor improvements, Windows/operating system changes, corrections, new output reports, weather and material data tables, tools, etc, we keep the software fresh and current. So how do you find out if there are any updates to the software you have purchased?

The Update Manager is a tool installed as part of your software package that we use to assist you with determining if any of your programs are due for minor or major updates.

You don't know the number of times we've had customers miss out on new features (new to them, yet sometimes posted years ago) because they didn't know about updates, were too afraid to try or just simply too busy. Let us help you keep up to date.

Recent problem with Update Manager

In the screen capture above, notice the circled portion - it indicates a problem connecting to the update list. Due to our ISP's hosting security plan, a change was made that prevented the Update Manager from receiving the latest list of program version information. That also prevented access to updates, and consequently we've had to update the Update Manager. In this newsletter we are contacting users to let them how to receive the new Update Manager.

Please note, not every one of our products, including the Elite Software Rhvac Online app, use the Update Manager. Since the program is run remotely on our app server, and by definition is not downloaded, we keep it always up-to-date and you do not need to use the Update Manager for this.

Only programs produced by Elite Software are able to be updated with the Update Manager.

Updating the Update Manager

In order for your Elite Software program to keep being able to check for updates, download and install the following file.

Download Elite Software Update Manager

Once you have updated your computer with the latest version of Update Manager, we recommend you check to be sure your software is up-to-date. Because of the problem, it's possible you may have missed a recent minor update. Below are 5 different ways to keep your software up to date.

Method #1 - Internal Update Manager

The most convenient way to keep your Elite Software up to date is to use the built-in (internal) Update Manager. It is invoked each time you start the program - just click on the "yes" option to start the internal Update Manager.

Sometimes people turn this message option off, accidently or not, but you can turn it back on using the program's menus.

Method #2 - External Update Manager

Another way to check for updates is to start the external Update Manager. The advantage to this is that you can invoke it outside of your Elite Software program, which is useful if you are having issues running our software. To start it, click on the Start button, go to the Elite Software program group, and select "Check for Updates."

Method #3 - Manual Updating

Independent of using the Update Manager, you can manually update your application software. While the process explained below can be used to update your software, note that it does not fix the recent problem with the Update Manager itself. That is explained in the section above: Updating the Update Manager.

If you wish to manually update your software programs, find out if your program is actually in need of an update. First visit the menu, "Help | About [program]" to see what version you currently are running (Chvac example, circled in blue).

Then go to the program updates page and compare your version to the Program/Version column (column below marked in blue).

If you have determined that you have an older version of a program, you can see what was updated on the program by viewing that program's Detailed Update Info (column below marked in orange).

If you wish to proceed with the update, download the appropriate file (column below marked in red).

Then run the downloaded file to install the latest update to your program.

Method #4 - Auto Notify

An alternative way to keep up with updates is to subscribe to a free service that will notify you automatically via email. You can sign up on this webpage:

Elite Update List webpage (screen capture shown above)

You can subscribe using the input in the AutoNotify column (column above marked in green). When we post an update to a program, the service emails you the announcement.

Method #5 - Order Replacement Media

Of course, if you prefer, you can order replacement media (CD or usb flash drive) direct from Elite Software. If you have limited bandwidth, or have difficulties downloading large files, this is your best alternative. Some government agencies may not allow electronic delivery, so this is a secure way to deliver updates.

We can provide you with all your current licenses for a nominal cost, and can even check if you have major updates or level upgrades available at a discount. Call the order desk (800-648-9523) so we can see what's available for you.

Visit the Update FAQ web page if you have questions on updates.

Copyright @ 2022 Elite Software Development, Inc.
Elite Software Development, Inc. | 2700 Arrington Road | College Station | TX | 77845

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