Quick Links
To see if your Windows based program from Elite Software needs an update, open the program and then click the menu "Help | Check for Update." The Elite Software Update Manager will then show you whether or not you need an update. If your program doesn't have a "Check for Update" menu, then click "Help | About [program name]" and read the version number on the program's About box. Then compare that number to the one in the table below. If you do need an update, click the download file link for your program in the right-hand column of the table below. When prompted whether to Run or Save the file, click Run. |
Program Updates | ||||
Program | Version | Detailed Update Info | Auto Notify | Download File |
HVAC Equipment Databases | 1/3/2019 | Update information | Notify me | Click here for list |
Update Manager | 1.03.46 | Install if your software can no longer check for updates (all programs built before 4/8/2022). | N/A | update_manager_setup.exe (3.7 MB) |
Report Viewer | 2.01.3 | Click "Help | Readme" after installing | N/A | repviewsetup.exe (3.1 MB) |
Chvac | 8.02.99 | Update information | Notify me | ch8setup.exe (78 MB) |
Chvac (JCI Logo) | ch8setupjci.exe (JCI Logo) | |||
D-Pipe | 2.02.9 | Update information | Notify me | dpsetup.exe (12.3 MB) |
Drawing Board | 6.01.218 | All Drawing Board updates are included in latest updates for Ductsize, Rhvac, and Chvac. Updates for Drawing Board alone are not directly available. | Select the notify button for Chvac, Ductsize, or Rhvac. | Either r10setup.exe (131 MB), ch8setup.exe (78 MB), or ducsetup.exe (30.7 MB), depending on which you use. |
Ductsize | 6.01.305 | Update information | Notify me | ducsetup.exe (30.7 MB) |
ECA | 4.02.5 | Update information | Notify me | EcaSetup.exe (15.3 MB) |
E-Coord | 3.02.8 | Update information | Notify me | ecdsetup.exe (11.3 MB) |
Energy Audit | 7.02.125 | Update information | Notify me | audsetup.exe (58.6 MB) |
E-Tools | 1.01.39 | Update information | Notify me | etlsetup.exe (15.7 MB) |
Fire | 7.01.8 | Update Information | Notify me | fi7setup.exe (10.5 MB) |
GasVent | 2.09.34 | Update information | Notify me | gasventw.exe (8.1 MB) |
Heavent | 7.95 | Update information | Notify me | heavent.exe (1.9 MB) |
H-Sym | 2.01.33 | Update information | Notify me | HsySetup.exe (12.6 MB) |
HVAC Tools (H-Tools) | 4.01.18 | Update information | Notify me | ht4setup.exe (15.8 MB) |
Light | 5.01.25 | Update information | Notify me | lgtsetup.exe (9.4 MB) |
Panel | 1.15 DOS | Update information | Notify me | panelpt.exe (251 KB) |
PsyChart | 2.01.68 | Update information | Notify me | psysetup.exe (11.9 MB) |
Quote | 2.0.38 | Update information | Notify me | quotew.exe (10.1 MB) |
Refrig | 3.02.28 | Update information | Notify me | refinst.exe (15.6 MB) |
Rhvac | 10.01.41 | Update information | Notify me | r10setup.exe (131 MB) |
Short | 4.18 DOS | Update information | Notify me | shortpt.exe (260 KB) |
S-Pipe | 2.02.18 | Update information | Notify me | SPSetup.exe (13.9 MB) |
V-Drop | 2.18 DOS | Update information | Notify me | vdroppt.exe (255 KB) |
Update information notices provided courtesy of ChangeDetection - It's Private
Handling Downloading Errors
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If Windows gives you an error upon opening the file you downloaded: