Elite Software Newsletter
October 22nd, 2020 |
In this Issue
Elite Software offers over 30 programs for all kinds of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design applications. This monthly newsletter will announce new software, tradeshow events, and tips on using existing software. See previous newsletters here. The standard nominal capacity and efficiency ratings for every model from every manufacturer of furnaces, standard air conditioners and heat pumps can be found at www.ahridirectory.org However, using these standard nominal capacities is often not good enough. The capacity of either an air conditioner or a heat pump varies primarily with the outdoor temperature. The standard cooling rating for a unit is given for 95F outdoor temperature. Whenever the outdoor temperature is above 95F the actual capacity of a unit will be lower than its standard nominal rating. Other conditions such as an entering coil dry bulb temperature below 80F and extra humidity also decrease the capacity of a unit. The latest residential code (IRC) requires that a designer calculate the correct heat load of the building and compare that calculated load against the actual net capacity of the equipment being installed. One of the greatest difficulties in doing this is finding expanded ratings data and software that helps you determine the actual net capacity of a unit for the given operating conditions. This newsletter gives a link to many hard to find web sites with sources of expanded ratings data. These sets of data can be used with Elite's Rhvac program, both the online and Windows version, to calculate adjusted capacity ratings, and even create an ACCA Manual S report, if necessary. And if you haven't done so already, be sure to check out Elite's first web based product, Rhvac Online. Modules for ACCA Manual J, D, and S calculations are available for as little as $49 per year. Register for a free trial version today at www.elitesoftapps.com If you have any questions, please feel free to call 800-648-9523 or 979-690-9420, or send email to info@elitesoft.com Sincerely, Bill Smith |
back to top New Manual S VideoContinuing the release of demonstration and training videos, Elite Software announces the latest in the series, a new Manual S Video for Rhvac Online.On the Rhvac Online Basics video webpage, you will find videos on Load Calculation, Duct Data, Duct Data (without rooms), Using Help, and the new one on Manual S. This video explains how to obtain a Manual S report. As before, the videos are posted in the same 4 formats that our other videos: Manual S (flash), Manual S (HTML5), Manual S (YouTube) and Manual S (MP4). You can find additional videos for other programs: Rhvac (Windows) and Chvac, with others to follow as we record them. back to top Using Expanded Data RatingsExpanded ratings data for HVAC equipment are data that show how the capacity and efficiency of the equipment vary under different operating conditions. The capacity of a unit varies primarily from changes in the outdoor dry bulb temperature, but also from changes in air flow and the entering dry and wet bulb temperature of the indoor air entering the cooling coil. Given that there are four parameters that affect the cooling performance of a unit, there are many variations in the way that manufacturers show these data sets in table form. The below image is one example of an expanded ratings table, and below that are links showing five other table formats that you might encounter while searching for expanded ratings data. The following links take you to help pages within Rhvac Online (elitesoftapps.com). Expanded Ratings Data - Example 1 Some HVAC manufacturers make their expanded ratings data open and available to the public, while others have special web sites that require an account in order to login. For those sites requiring an account, obtaining an account can be as simple as registering, no credentials required, while others may require permission from a local distributor, or they may require the applicant to have an EPA number or contractor license number. Equipment Data SourcesAHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute) is the organization that tests and certifies the performance of HVAC equipment. Over 250 manufacturers are listed with AHRI, and millions of models are covered. At this link you can start your search for the nominal standard performance data (capacity at 95F) and an AHRI reference number for all of the models listed with AHRI. This is a great site to use, as nominal performance data will often be very close to adjusted performance data whenever your actual outdoor and indoor conditions are close to the outdoor and indoor conditions with which AHRI uses to rate models.On our Using Expanded Ratings Data web page you will find links to web sites for obtaining expanded ratings data for all the popular HVAC manufacturers. Expanded ratings data can be very difficult to find, but Elite Software has done the hard work for you and listed all the sites known today offerring this data. This page is updated frequently, and three new links for Carrier, Bryant, and Payne were just added. See MyCarrierRatings.com, MyBryantRatings.com, and MyPayneRatings.com 2021 AHR Expo CancelledWe had invited you to come see us at the 2021 AHR Expo, originally scheduled for January 2021 in Chicago, but due to the Chinese Coronavirus/Covid situation, AHR Show Management has been forced to cancel this event. There was a possibility it would be postponed to March 2021, but due to safety precautions and large/mass event restrictions, it was not going to happen. We appreciate that attendee's and exhibitor's health and safety were paramount in their decision.
The next scheduled trade show will be AHR Expo 2022, in Las Vegas, Nevada. By then, we hope all will be normalized and we can safely and happily meet with you - nothing beats in-person discussions. So give yourself a mini-vacation in 2022, see the sights of Las Vegas, and drop by our booth. For more details, please visit AHR Expo 2022 for updates. Copyright @ 2020 Elite Software
Development, Inc. |
Elite Software Development, Inc. | 2700 Arrington Road | College Station | TX | 77845 |
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