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Ductsize Version 6 Update

Version Changes

Version 6.01.305 [10/17/2023]

  1. Modified the images used for the CD3-1 and CD3-2 fittings to show the radius to diameter ratios of 1.5 and 1.0.

  2. Fixed a bug in Drawing Board, where the Auto Create/Refresh Runouts dialog had stopped being able to assign airflow values from the Chvac rooms to the runouts.

Version 6.01.304 [3/20/2023]

  1. Added the ability to import project data from Rhvac version 10 projects in addition to version 9 ones, including both Drawing Board projects and others. Note that the commercial Ductsize program is rarely used with Rhvac projects, since Rhvac has its own duct design features that are based on Manual D.

Version 6.01.301 [5/31/2022]

  1. Fixed a bug in Drawing Board where new ducts you added to the drawing would not have a duct name text object added to the duct.

Version 6.01.300 [9/15/2021]

  1. Added the CR3-5 fitting to the list of available fittings on the Fitting Selector window.

  2. Made it so when you save a project as a different name while the Drawing Board window is open, that window no longer unnecessarily reloads the drawing, but instead does the save much more quickly without having to do that.

  3. Fixed a bug for the fittings SR5-11 and SR5-12, where the determination of the loss coefficient for the straight outlet was using the area ratio of the angled outlet.

Version 6.01.299 [9/27/2019]

  1. Made one more correction to the "[Fan Exit]" point on the Pressure Changes Graph in the reports. When a return system is present that point in today's earlier update was too high by the amount of the return system's static pressure loss. Now the difference between the "[Fan Entrance]" and "[Fan Exit]" point values equals the value of the fan external static pressure. Note that this update does not affect any of the results elsewhere in the reports; it only affects the Pressure Changes Graph, and only affects the "[Fan Entrance]" and "[Fan Exit]" points on that graph.

Version 6.01.298 [9/27/2019]

  1. Fixed a bug that could happen on the Pressure Changes Graph when a return system was included, where the "[Fan Entrance]" and "[Fan Exit]" points were not correct sometimes.

Version 6.01.296 [8/12/2019]

  1. Fixed a bug in the new feature that was added to the previous update, where the duct being plugged in is either rotated to be at 90 degrees from the upstream duct, or a bend is added to make the takeoff 90 degrees. The bug that was happening was that if the upstream duct had any bends in it, the new feature might not properly set the angle to be 90 degrees from the selected section of the upstream duct.

  2. In Drawing Board added a popup window named Image Conversion that appears when you paste or import an image into the drawing. This new window lets you convert an image into a monochrome bitmap before bringing it into the drawing, in order to greatly reduce your project file size, and significantly improve performance in Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.294 [11/1/2018]

  1. Added a feature in Drawing Board that makes it so when you plug a duct into an upstream trunk it will rotate the duct so that it is 90 degrees from the upstream trunk, if it's already close to being perpendicular already. If it's not close to perpendicular already, a bend is added to the downstream duct, and the bend point is positioned perpendicular to and one foot away from the upstream trunk.

  2. Added a property named, "Exclude Upstream Junction Fitting Leg" to all duct objects in Drawing Board except for the Supply Main Trunk and Return Main Trunk objects. When you set this property to True the polygon representing the upstream duct's junction fitting will not include a "leg" for that one downstream duct. This property is also available as a checkable menu item in the right click popup menu for ducts.

  3. Added a property named "Max Allowable NC Level" to runout objects in Drawing Board. This property was already available for non-Drawing Board projects on the Runout Data window, but was missing from the runout objects in Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.293 [3/2/2018]

  1. Added Coefficient Override inputs to the Fitting Selector dialog. These inputs let you enter a loss coefficient to use for the fitting loss calculations instead of letting the program look up a coefficient value.

Version 6.01.291 [3/30/2017]

  1. Technical changes.

Version 6.01.288 [12/7/2016]

  1. Made it so velocity pressure is reported as a positive value on the return side. Also added a line to show velocity pressure on the Pressure Changes Graph.

  2. For return runouts, made it so the cumulative velocity pressure loss value is shown instead of showing it as zero on the return runout output data report. We had been showing it as zero to indicate that since air enters the runout there is no cumulative change yet in velocity pressure. But in order to be consistent with the rest of the values on the output reports, we are now showing the velocity pressure change at each return runout as viewed from the perspective of the return main trunk being the reference point. So the word "cumulative" on the return side now always refers to what is happening with the pressure as viewed from the perspective of the return main trunk being the reference point, and cumulative pressure changes are those that happen as you go from that main trunk out to each runout (the opposite of the return airflow direction).

  3. Fixed a problem on the General Project Data report where the line showing the project filename showed the path to the behind-the-scenes temporary copy of the file. Now it shows the path and filename of the original file you opened.

Version 6.01.285 [1/21/2014]

  1. Fixed a bug on the System Data window, where the Copy Supply to Return button would not include the fan blast width and blast height inputs.

  2. Changed the way the cumulative and available pressure losses are calculated for return ducts. Losses are now calculated from the perspective of starting with the fan and going toward the runouts, the same as for supply ducts. So the return cumulative losses are now reported the same as they are for supply ducts. The velocity pressure is now negative on the return side. The only difference now between the values on the supply and return output reports is that the values in the rightmost column (velocity pressure, static pressure available and total pressure available) are negative for the return ducts.

Version 6.01.284 [12/31/2013]

  1. Fixed a bug that happened after one of the recent updates to Chvac version 8, where the room supply airflow values would not get assigned to the Ductsize ducts on a Drawing Board project.

  2. Increased the speed at which duct airflow values from Chvac are assigned.

Version 6.01.282 [10/4/2013]

  1. Added some information about VAV boxes to the Frequently Asked Questions part of the F1 help as well as the dropdown help for the Additional Static Pressure Loss inputs.

  2. Added an "Open Project from Recent Folder" item in the File menu, which lets you display the Open Project dialog already set to one of your recent project folders.

  3. Changed the folder location where certain temporary files are written while the program is running, in the case of the installation being the old, pre-2010 type.

  4. Made it so the Drawing Board button and menu item are enabled even in projects that are not in Drawing Board mode. For such projects clicking the button shows a message box that explains that you have to switch the mode of the project using the Duct Data Entry Mode function.

  5. Fixed a bug where an Overflow error (error 6) could happen in rare circumstances in a large project.

Version 6.01.278 [8/27/2012]

  1. Fixed a bug where you could not import supply airflow values or other data from Chvac 8 projects.

  2. Fixed a bug in the Program Name dropdown help on the "Import From Rhvac/Chvac" dialog, where if Rhvac 9 was installed but no other version of Rhvac was installed the Installed column said, "No."

  3. Fixed a bug in Drawing Board, where the Auto Adjust Register Orientation property for runout objects only worked if the drawing had been done in Rhvac instead of Chvac.

Version 6.01.277 [7/16/2012]

  1. Fixed a problem where if you were using an ED5-10 fitting on a return system and you did not correctly assign two of the upstream ducts to have takeoff angles greater than zero, then in addition to the warnings about the takeoff angles being wrong an overflow (error 6) would be reported in the Evaluation of Project window.

  2. Fixed a bug that could happen when importing a DWG file from AutoCAD MEP, where it was possible for the program to not be able to read the airflow of air terminal objects. This bug is fixed for versions of AutoCAD MEP from 2009 to 2012.

Version 6.01.276 [5/9/2012]

  1. Made it so you can use any shape fitting for a junction fitting, in order to allow situations where a particular fitting may be the best available choice even if it does not correspond to the shape of the upstream duct.

  2. Made it so you can use any shape fitting with oval ducts. Formerly, you could only use round fittings with oval ducts.

Version 6.01.275 [12/13/2011]

  1. Added the ability to link to AutoCAD MEP 2012.

  2. Added the ability to link to AutoCAD MEP 2011, but with limited functionality because of a bug in that version of MEP that prevents Ductsize from being able to assign calculated data back to the drawing. So when you select that version on the "Select AutoCAD MEP Version" dialog a message box tells you that you will not be able to assign calculated data back to the drawing. And the "Assign Calculated Data to DWG" dialog will not enable the OK button when you select drawing data if it was created by importing from AutoCAD MEP 2011.

Version 6.01.274 [11/16/2011]

  1. On the "System 1 - Trunk Output Data - Return" report, changed the "Upstr" header to "Dnstr" to indicate that the trunk to which the current trunk is connected is downstream instead of upstream when dealing with return ducts.

  2. Modified the tutorial in the F1 help to make certain things easier to understand.

  3. Fixed a problem with the self-extracting setup file available on the web, ducsetup.exe, where if a file named Setup.exe was located in the same folder as ducsetup.exe the Setup.exe in the same folder would be run instead of the Setup.exe contained in ducsetup.exe.

Version 6.01.273 [2/15/2011]

  1. Fixed some mistakes and updated some screenshots in the tutorial part of the F1 help file.

  2. Made it so the Import From Rhvac/Chvac feature can import project and room airflow data from Rhvac version 9 in addition to versions 8 and 6.

Version 6.01.271 [4/29/2010]

  1. Fixed a bug regarding importing airflow data from Chvac and Rhvac, where the Chvac and Rhvac project file locations were not always being initialized to the correct locations.

Version 6.01.270 [4/28/2010]

  1. Replaced the Print dialog that opens when you click Print All or Print Current Page on the Print Preview window. The new Print dialog includes a separate Print Setup button that lets you change the current printer or its settings before printing to the printer. With the old Print dialog it was possible to generate the print preview using one printer, then change to a different printer on the Print dialog before printing, potentially causing problems with the printout. The new Print dialog lets you apply any changes to the current print preview before actually printing it, ensuring that the printout matches what you see in the Print Preview window.

  2. Fixed a bug where the path of the filename shown in the footer of the reports was incorrect. It was the path to the TMP file (the copy of the project file used while the project is open) instead of the path of the project file.

  3. Added a dialog that appears during startup if the screen's current DPI setting is non-standard. The dialog informs you that some elements of the program may not display properly, and it tells you how you may change your DPI setting.

  4. Fixed a potential problem in the reports where a very long filename in the footer could overlap with the date stamp in the footer under certain circumstances.

  5. Increased the maximum size of ducts from 10 meters to 20 meters.

Version 6.01.266 [3/30/2010]

  1. Made it so if you mistakenly set a trunk to have itself as its own upstream trunk the program will add a fatal error to the Evaluation of Project window explaining the problem.

  2. Removed a potential conflict that could happen if you had Ductsize and another Elite program that uses Drawing Board open at the same time, if both projects had their drawing data set to be saved within the project file instead of in separate DBP files.

  3. Fixed a bug where the Print Setup for Drawing feature sometimes did not save the print setup data for the drawing in the proper location, which made it so the settings you selected on the Print Setup dialog did not take effect.

Version 6.01.265 [3/22/2010]

  1. Fixed a problem on the Pressure Changes Graph report, where we were limiting the number of points allowed on the graph in order to prevent a fatal error, and where the error could sometimes occur anyway. Now the number of points allowed is virtually unlimited, and no fatal error should ever occur from generating the graph.

Version 6.01.264 [3/4/2010]

  1. Fixed a problem in the setup where if the program had last been installed from CD but was being updated from the web, it was possible for the Readme file to not get updated.

  2. Made it so when you save a project with the Save Project As dialog it automatically deletes the appropriate ".open" file, if it happens to exist, and replaces it with a new one.

  3. Fixed a problem regarding the link with AutoCAD MEP 2009, when assigning calculated data back to the drawing. The FPM duct velocity that we were assigning was being changed to a much larger value by AutoCAD MEP 2009, and was showing this larger value on the Details tab of the Duct Properties dialog in AutoCAD MEP 2009.

  4. Added AutoCAD MEP 2010 to the list of versions of AutoCAD MEP that Ductsise links to.

  5. Added a Troubleshooting menu under the Print Setup menu, which includes functions for clearing the print setup data for reports and for the drawing. Clearing this data can fix certain problems involving printing, as well as certain problems involving opening the Drawing Board windows.

  6. Removed the incorrect text in dropdown help for the various temperature inputs on the System tab of the System Data window that said that the maximum temperature allowed was 150 degrees F. The actual limit on those inputs is above what would ever be needed for the type of projects Ductsize is designed for.

  7. Modified the setup to help ensure registration of certain DLL and OCX files.

  8. Fixed a problem for single line Ductsize ducts on Drawing Board, where when not yet connected to an upstream trunk the duct could move back to a previous location after having either moved the whole duct or repositioned one of its grab handles.

  9. Added several properties for Ductsize ducts in Drawing Board that let you more precisely control the appearance of ducts on the drawing. For double line ducts: "Junction Fitting Size" and "Junction Fitting Overlap." For single line ducts: "Upstream Circle Diameter," "Downstream Circle Diameter," and "Single Line Flex Duct Line Style."

  10. Made it so the main window opens to full screen size (not maximized) the first time the program is opened.

Version 6.01.259 [12/10/2009]

  1. Fixed a bug that developed in the previous version, where dragging an object from the Catalog Browser onto the Drawing Board drawing caused the program to lock up.

Version 6.01.258 [12/8/2009]

  1. Made a slight change to the menu.

Version 6.01.257 [12/7/2009] (Test Version)

  1. Increased the maximum number you can enter into the Additional Static Pressure loss inputs from 1000 to 10000 to accommodate metric projects under certain circumstances.

  2. Fixed a bug where it was not possible to control the length for silencer fittings CR8-1 through CR8-4. Now there is an appended value available for the length, L, on the Fitting Selector dialog.

  3. Fixed a bug where if an index for getting the loss coefficient for a fitting was outside the boundary of the table on the low side (less than the minimum value provided in the table) the coefficient assignment was incorrect.

  4. Changed the way loss coefficients are assigned for fittings in cases where one or more indexes is outside the boundary of the loss coefficient table, so that no extrapolation is performed. This change was made because it is likely that extrapolating to get values outside the boundaries of the table is likely to be less accurate than stopping at the edge of the table.

  5. Improved the accuracy of loss coefficients retrieved from tables that use three quantities in which to index into the table, such as certain tee fittings where each opening can both be of a different size and have different airflows than the other two. Formerly, the equivalent round size was used to find the cross sectional area for one of the openings, even if the duct connected to that opening was rectangular.

Version 6.01.254 [11/20/2009] (Test Version)

  1. Made changes regarding compatibility with Vista and later versions of Windows.

  2. Made several improvements regarding opening and saving project files. The temporary file (extension TMP) is now stored in the user's local application data folder instead of in the same folder as the project file, which improves the performance of the program when opening a project file from a folder on a server or other computer. It also makes it so project files can be opened from read-only media, such as a CD or a folder for which the user has read-only access. Another new feature is that when a project file is open by one user, any other instance of the program opened by another user can know that the file is currently in use by another user.

  3. Fixed a bug that could happen on Windows Vista or Windows 7, where double clicking a project file when the program was not open yet would open the program but not open the project file that was double clicked.

Version 6.01.246 [9/10/2009]

  1. Fixed a problem that developed in the previous version, where, for metric projects, the correction made in determining loss coefficients for some fittings caused that of other fittings to be incorrect.

  2. Fixed a bug where the loss coefficient for fitting ED7-3 was being returned as zero.

Version 6.01.245 [9/8/2009]

  1. Fixed a bug in the determination of fitting loss coefficients in metric projects.

Version 6.01.244 [6/21/2009]

  1. Made it so the program will allow the quantity L to be zero for the fittings SR4-1, SR4-2 and SR4-3, in order to accommodate abrupt transitions. Formerly, the calculations would reset L to 12 inches if it were zero.

  2. Increased the maximum value that can be entered in the "SP Loss Central Equip." from 500 to 10,000.

Version 6.01.243 [3/3/2009]

  1. Corrected a problem that developed in the previous update, where the text in the dropdown help for the fan static pressure input on the System Data window was incorrectly changed from kPa to Pa for metric units projects. The correct units for that input is kPa.

  2. Fixed a bug in the recently added "Fan Sound Power Level Calculator" dialog when using metric units, where after you clicked OK the airflow and pressure values you entered on that dialog would get converted to their English units equivalent values and inserted into those inputs on the System Data window.

Version 6.01.241 [3/2/2009]

  1. Corrected the text in the dropdown help for the fan static pressure input on the System Data window to say "Pa" instead of "kPa" when the project is set to metric units.

  2. Fixed a bug in the Material Database window where for any row with millimeter duct size values larger than about 3200 the other columns in that row would not automatically get filled in with calculated equivalent size values. The "Fill in Zero Dimensions" button in the Material Database window's toolbar would also fail on such rows.

  3. Increased the maximum number of schedule entries on the Material Database window from 32 to 90.

  4. Updated the Material Database file included in the setup. Existing schedule records now include larger sizes. Each description includes "English" or "Metric" to indicate whether the schedule record is appropriate for English or metric units. Added a new "Metric Free Size" schedule record. Changed the setup so the question about overwriting that file explains about the updated file on a wizard page by itself.

  5. Fixed a bug where number inputs would not always respond to editing keystrokes such as Ctrl+X (cut) or Ctrl+V (paste).

Version 6.01.240 [2/16/2009]

  1. Edited the projects "Sample DB Large.dsw" and "Sample DB Large 2.dsw" so that the junction fitting and takeoff angle assignments are all correct, and the Evaluation of Project window no longer has any warnings for those projects.

  2. Added a "Fan Sound Power Level Calculator" dialog that convers fan sound level data from any operating point to the standard level required by the program (at 1 CFM airflow and 1 in.wg. static pressure). This dialog opens from the dropdown help for the fan sound power level inputs on the Fan tab of the System Data window as well as the fan sound level inputs on the Fan Database window.

Version 6.01.235 [1/23/2009]

  1. Fixed a bug where the "Create HTML File" checkbox on the Select Reports dialog had stopped working.

  2. Added a new "Create RTF File" checkbox on the Select Reports dialog, which lets you create a Rich Text Format file version of the reports when you generate reports. Any images on the reports are not included in the file.

  3. On the Find Duct window in Drawing Board, made it so when you type a duct name into the "Find in this List" input the search to find a matching duct name in the list is not case sensitive.

  4. Made it so after you run the setup if you double click on an Elite Software license file it will be copied automatically to the appropriate program folder.

Version 6.01.233 [11/24/2008]

  1. Fixed a bug where if you had a trunk with its Active input set to No and had the Trunk Output input on the Sort tab of the Select Reports dialog set to Connection Order, the trunk output and runout output reports for that system would not be included in your reports.

Version 6.01.232 [11/17/2008]

  1. Increased the maximum value you can enter into each of the inputs for minimum and maximum duct size.

Version 6.01.231 [11/16/2008]

  1. Fixed a bug where if very large ducts (over 1 m) were used in a metric project an Overflow error could occur during calculations.

Version 6.01.230 [10/9/2008]

  1. Copied the "About Drawing Board" menu item from the Drawing Board sub menu to the main Help menu, right above the About Ductsize menu item.

  2. Made corrections to the calculation of cumulative static pressure losses for return ducts.

  3. Added AutoCAD MEP 2009 to the list of versions of that software to which Ductsize links.

Version 6.01.229 [7/16/2008]

  1. Changed the pictures for the following fittings so that they show important dimensional information about the turning vanes: CR3-12, CR3-13, CR3-14, CR3-15 and CR3-16.

  2. Fixed a bug in the importing of DWG files from AutoCAD MEP, where if a duct object on the drawing had its EngineeringID property non-blank, Ductsize would incorrectly report a warning that it was unable to assign a fitting for the object. The warning would be something like this: "Object with Handle property = "1019B" and Type property = "DUCT" on trunk 1019B was processed without being assigned a fitting ID."

  3. Fixed a bug that would occur after assigning calculated results back to the DWG in a project in which you had imported a duct system from an AutoCAD MEP DWG file, where AutoCAD would no longer let you save the drawing. It would report an error that said, "Document "<drive>:\<folder>\<filename>.dwg" has a command in progress. Hit enter to cancel or [Retry]:"

  4. Added a sample DWG file that you can use to test the link with AutoCAD MEP 2008. The file is installed into the "C:\Program files\Elite\Ductw\Example DWGs" folder.

Version 6.01.228 [3/25/2008]

  1. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the program to lock up if you right clicked on a duct in Drawing Board and then clicked "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" from the popup menu.

Version 6.01.227 [11/9/2007]

  1. Fixed a bug on the "Select AutoCAD MEP Version" dialog, where even if the version you wanted was already highlighted if you did not click on the list that shows the 3 versions, and then you clicked OK, the program would proceed as if you had clicked Autodesk Building Systems 2006 (the first item in the list).

  2. Changed the text, "Autodesk Building Systems 2007" to "Autodesk Building Systems 2007.1" to make it clear that the 2007.1 version is required for the link with Ductsize to work.

  3. Fixed a problem in version 6.01.226, where the new link with AutoCAD MEP 2008 would not work.

Version 6.01.226 [11/2/2007]

  1. Changed the help file from WinHelp to HTML Help.

  2. Took measures to enable the program to work properly on Windows Vista without having to run it as administrator.

  3. Fixed a bug that could happen when using the word PLENUM for a fitting, where it was possible for the program to incorrectly show you a warning that you have one or more downstream ducts with a takeoff angle of zero when in fact all of your downstream ducts had takeoff angles larger than zero.

  4. Made it so you can enter numbers that include digits after the decimal point for the temperature inputs on the System tab of the System Data window.

  5. Added AutoCAD MEP 2008 to the list of versions of Autodesk's software to which Ductsize can link. You must have service pack 1 or later of AutoCAD MEP 2008 installed in order for the link to work properly.

  6. Fixed a problem where if there were more than 30 points to be drawn on the Pressure Changes Graph, the program would lock up. Now if the number of points would exceed 30, a the number of points is abbreviated to 30 and a note is added below the graph explaining why.

Version 6.01.224 [2/1/2007]

  1. Fixed a bug in the calculation of the change in static pressure due to a change in velocity pressure for return ducts. This effect is known as static regain and is usually a relatively small value. For return ducts the effect was the reverse of what it should have been.

Version 6.01.223 [1/21/2007]

  1. Fixed a problem where if you used an ER5-9 fitting and did not have any upstream takeoffs with a takeoff angle of zero the program would encounter a division by zero error during calculations, which it would list in the Evaluation of Project window.

  2. Added new menu items under the File menu to let you e-mail your current project or one or more other project files.

Version 6.01.222 [12/21/2006]

  1. Fixed a bug where if you entered a zero for the fan static pressure on the System Data window in order for the program to back calculate the required fan static pressure, it was possible for the back calculated value to not be equal to the worst case runout's cumulative static pressure loss. This problem could happen if you had entered PLENUM for the junction fitting input of a round trunk, and your "Plenum reference straight" or "Plenum reference angled" input on the System Data window was set to a rectangular fitting. The program does allow that, but the code was determining that junction fitting's loss in two slightly different ways throughout the course of the calculations, which resulted in the descrepancy.

Version 6.01.221 [11/28/2006]

  1. Added ER3-1 to the list of fittings from which you can select. This fitting is a rectangular return elbow with variable inlet and outlet widths.

Version 6.01.220 [10/26/2006]

  1. Fixed a problem that developed in version 6.01.219 with the Autodesk Building Systems importing code, where if you already had the ABS window open it would not recognize it and would open a new instance of that program.

Version 6.01.219 [10/23/2006]

  1. Modified the link with Autodesk Building Systems so that it works with version 2006 and version 2007. During the import process the program asks you which version you want to link with for the current duct system you are importing.

Version 6.01.210 [10/13/2006]

  1. Changed the name of the "End Cap" object in Drawing Board to "Trunk with End Cap" in order to indicate the fact that the object is actually a duct with an end cap on the end of it rather than just the cap. Made it so objects on existing drawings are converted to the new name if necessary.

  2. Made it so Trunk with End Cap objects will not plug into the side of another duct along its length, but only into its downstream end.

  3. Fixed a bug where if a system had any trunks that used the Presize sizing method, it was possible for runouts in that system that had their Sizing Method set to Constant Velocity to be sized incorrectly.

  4. Updated the toolbars to a newer style with a different appearance.

  5. Made several updates to the help file.

  6. Added a Find Duct window for the Ductsize Drawing Objects ducts, which you can open by right clicking a duct and clicking "General Duct Settings | Find Duct" from the popup menu.

  7. Updated the sample projects that use Drawing Board so that the drawing data is saved in the project file.

Version 6.01.206 [8/15/2006]

  1. Fixed a problem where the Print Preview's zoom would return to Page Width whenever you clicked its Refresh Reports button. Now the zoom remains the same.

  2. Made it so the zoom defaults to 100% instead of Page Width when you open the Print Preview window.

  3. Added an "Airflow Unlinked" property to the Supply Runout object in Drawing Board. When you link to a Chvac or Rhvac project, you can set this property to True to make it so the program will not update the Flow Discharge property of the runout to match that of the load calculation result during calculations. Note that this property has been added to the Return Runout object also but will only be functional on the return side after some upcoming updates to Rhvac and Chvac make the required data available in their project files.

  4. Fixed a bug that made it so the wrong weight was being calculated for rectangular ducts.

  5. Made it so the following catalogs appear in order after the "Ductsize Drawing Objects" catalog in Drawing Board's Catalog Browser (if they are present): Chvac 7, Chvac 6, Rhvac 8, Rhvac 6.

  6. Changed the Calculated Diameter, Calculated Width and Calculated Height properties for all duct objects in Drawing Board to be visible rather than hidden, and added a Results special property category for them.

  7. Made it so pressure values on the trunk and runout output reports are shown with at most one decimal place when using metric units. Formerly it had been showing three.

  8. Added a Pressure Changes Graph report to the available reports. Selecting this new checkbox on the Select Reports dialog will create a graph that shows the static pressure and total pressure available at each duct along the route with the highest static pressure loss.

  9. Made it so the return side available pressure values are shown as negative values instead of positve ones. As air enters a return runout its static pressure available normally becomes increasingly negative the closer the air gets to the fan. Also made it so the cumulative static pressure loss values are based on the direction that air actually flows through the return side. So the cumulative loss through a return runout equals just that runout's loss. The cumulative loss through a given trunk equals the loss of the worst case runout downstream (the one with the highest available static pressure), plus all ducts between that rounout and this trunk, plus this trunk's loss. So the return side cumulative loss for a duct is now taken from the end of the duct that is closest to the fan.

  10. Added a section at the end of the trunk and runout output reports that explains the meaning of each of the pressure values in the five rightmost columns of the report.

  11. Fixed a bug where if the Print Preview window was already open but behind another window within the main window, clicking Preview on the Select Reports dialog or clicking Quick Preview Reports on the main window would not bring the Print Preview window back to the front.

Version 6.01.201 [6/19/2006]

  1. Fixed a bug where if you entered a percent diversity for a trunk and had the "Show diversified flow" input on the System Data window set to No, the airflow assigned to that trunk would be increased instead of remaining unchanged.

  2. Made it so when you first open the program it asks you whether or not you want to check for an update. Also added a new "Set Check for Update Options" menu under the Help menu. You can now select whether you want the program to ask you, to automatically check, or to not check. If you set it to automatically check, you can also set it to notify you of any updates to the HVAC equipment databases you may have installed, which are used in Elite programs such as Energy Audit and Rhvac. Also made it so the Update Available and similar dialogs from the Update Manager program float over all other windows. This change prevents the possibility of the Update Available window being put behind the main program window where you might not notice it.

Version 6.01.200 [5/31/2006]

  1. Fixed a bug in calculating the duct weight where it was possible for the weight of one or more ducts to not be included in the total.

  2. Made it so you can enter numbers with decimal places for runout flow discharge.

  3. Fixed a bug in the link with ABS 2006 that developed when we converted the program from linking with ABS 2005, where the preferred drawing units setting was not being read successfully when the dwg was set have metric drawing units (millimeters, meters, etc.).

  4. On the Drawing Board window, made it so the Ductsize Drawing Objects catalog appears first in the list of available catalogs in the Catalog Browser. Also made it so the Manual D Ductsize Drawing Objects does not get loaded, since that catalog is only appropriate to use from within Rhvac.

  5. Updated some of the runtime files included in the setup (VB6 SP6).

  6. Updated the setup to not prompt for the location of the program folder if the Elite folder has already been established by a previous installation of this program or another Elite Software program. Also updated the setup to never prompt for the location of the Elite\Common folder.

  7. Added a "Save Report and E-Mail" button to the Print Preview window's toolbar. Clicking this button will save the reports in the new Report Viewer File format (RVF) and attach it to a new e-mail message, where the body of the message includes a link to download the latest version of Report Viewer from the Elite Software web site.

  8. Fixed a bug where the Elite\DrawBrd\Templates folder was not the first time default location of the "Save In" box at the top of the "Save Drawing as Template" dialog that opens when you click the menu "Drawing Board Tools | Save Copy of Drawing as Template."

  9. Added a file that had been missing from the setup that enables the e-mail sending functions on the Print Preview window to work.

Version 6.01.198 [2/3/2006]

  1. Fixed a bug that developed in version 6.01.188, where if you used the new feature where you can save the drawing data within the Ductsize project file and you had the Drawing Board window open and opened a different project that also had a drawing saved within its project file, the drawing from the first project would stay loaded in the Drawing Board window.

  2. Added an outline to the new "junction fitting intersection point" colored circle that was added recently. The outline around the circle lets you see the intersection point even if the duct is on another sheet that is set to "Visible and grayed."

  3. On Drawing Board, made it so you can use the new feature to plug a duct into the side of a trunk even if that trunk is on another sheet. Note that this change does not affect the behavior of the AutoConnect feature on the "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" dialog, which will still only plug a new runout into the nearest trunk on the same sheet.

  4. Made it so the AutoConnect feature on the "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" dialog (when opened from Drawing Board) will not try to connect a new runout to a trunk with a different system number than that of the room that the runout feeds. If you have rooms in different systems you should first add a Supply Main Trunk for each Rhvac or Chvac system before using the AutoConnect feature.

  5. Modified the way the automatic System Number property assignment is done for main trunk objects on Drawing Board, so that when you first drop a main trunk it looks for the first available system number in sequence starting with 1, rather than merely making the new system number one higher than the highest existing main trunk of that kind.

  6. Changed the way the embedded number is generated for new duct objects on Drawing Board, so that return ducts are numbered independently from supply ducts. Formerly, the number embedded in a new duct's default name was based only on the existing trunks or runouts without distinguishing between supply and return.

Version 6.01.189 [1/17/2006]

  1. Fixed a bug that developed in version 6.01.188, where the Duct Shape and Sizing Method properties were being ignored in any ducts you had created after installing version 6.01.188 if you had set them to anything other than Default.

Version 6.01.188 [1/10/2006]

  1. Fixed a bug on the System Output Summary report where it said that the units for the weight of the ducts was lb./sq.ft. instead of just lb.

  2. For the duct objects in Drawing Board, added the ability to plug a duct into a trunk along its length rather than only at the downstream end. Doing so divides the trunk into two ducts. Also added a Break Duct Here command to the right click popup menu of trunk objects.

  3. Used Drawing Board's new sub-menu capability to reorganize the right click popup menus for trunks and runouts.

  4. Added a "Resize Duct Systems..." command to the right click popup menu for ducts, which will perform the sizing calculations and update the duct widths shown on the drawing (if the "Update Display Width" option is set to True).

  5. Made it so the calculations are performed and the ducts are resized if possible at the end of runout creation using the "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" dialog.

  6. Used Drawing Board's new property categories feature to add default category assignments to the properties of duct objects.

  7. Made it so the "Ductsize Drawing Objects" catalog warns you if you drop one of its objects on the drawing while inside of Rhvac, and lets you know that the appropriate duct catalog while inside Rhvac is usually the "Manual D Ductsize Drawing Objects" catalog.

  8. Added "Delete Multiple Ducts" to the right click popup menu of duct objects, along with a new dialog of the same name.

  9. Reduced the number of redraws during runout creation so that this operation takes less time.

  10. Fixed a problem where it was possible for the "Check Drawing File Link" dialog to be displayed when a project was not in Drawing Board mode.

  11. Added "S" to the beginning of the prefix of the name that is automatically assigned to a supply duct. Also added "R" for return ducts.

  12. Added the ability to automatically assign return runout airflows using the "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" dialog, if the project is linked to an Rhvac project (does not work with Chvac at this time). This feature works whether the Ductsize project is done with Drawing Board or not. It requires that you first create the return main trunk(s), the runouts, and connect all the return ducts appropriately. Each system's return airflow calculated from Rhvac (supply air minus ventilation) will be evenly distributed among its runouts.

  13. Fixed a bug that made it so the Drawing Board temporary file (extension dbt) would not be deleted when you closed a project under certain circumstances.

  14. Added a warning when you reference the same drawing in two Drawing Board host programs (such as Rhvac and Ductsize, or Chvac and Ductsize) that you should close the project that references that drawing in one program before opening another project that references the same drawing in another program.

Version 6.01.182 [10/19/2005]

  1. Fixed a bug on Drawing Board that made it possible on rare occasions for an imported dxf file to not be brought in properly, where it could wind up lacking several behind-the-scenes tags that are required to make it be recognized as a separate object on the Object Properties window and otherwise be handled properly by the program.

Version 6.01.181 [10/14/2005]

  1. Corrected another potential problem with the Ductsize Drawing Objects catalog on Drawing Board regarding licensing for Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.180 [10/5/2005]

  1. Corrected a potential problem with the Ductsize Drawing Objects catalog on Drawing Board regarding reading the Ductsize license file at its proper location.

  2. Fixed a problem with the import of ducts from an Autodesk Building Systems dwg, where if the ducts were drawn single-line (zero width), not all ducts would get imported and breaks at takeoffs would remain broken.

Version 6.01.179 [9/7/2005]

  1. Fixed a bug that was introduced in version 6.01.178, where it was possible for an overflow error to show up in the Evaluation of Project window under certain circumstances.

Version 6.01.178 [9/4/2005]

  1. Fixed a bug in getting the fitting loss through the outlet of a junction fitting where the downstream duct has a different shape than the upstream duct, such as fittings SR5-11 and SR5-12.

Version 6.01.177 [8/31/2005]

  1. Fixed a bug where the loss coefficient being looked up for the angled branch of fittings SR5-11 and SR5-12 was wrong due to not taking into account the fact that the angled branch on those particular fittings is round instead of rectangular.

Version 6.01.176 [6/21/2005]

  1. Made it so when you create a new trunk or runout with the trunk or runout data windows, the input focus is set to the Upstream Trunk or Trunk Connection input. Formerly, the focus was being set to the Name input, which was later in the tab sequence than the Upstream Trunk or Trunk Connection input.

  2. Updated the link to Autodesk Building Systems so that it works with ABS 2006 instead of ABS 2005.

  3. Updated the help file to include information about importing duct systems from ABS 2006 dwg files.

  4. Made several changes to Drawing Board, which you can read about in the file C:\Program Files\Elite\DrawBrd\Readme.doc.

  5. On 7/1/2005, updated the setup to include the file ActBar.ocx, which had been missing from the setup for this update. This problem could affect first time installations.

Version 6.01.174 [4/7/2005]

  1. Fixed a bug that made it so if you selected either of the the Refresh options on the Auto Create/Refresh Runouts dialog, any ducts not on the current sheet would not have their CFM values updated.

  2. Made it so the menu "File | Auto Create/Refresh Runout Airflows from Rhvac/Chvac" works for projects done in Drawing Board.

  3. Added a new Sheet property under the Standard tab of the Object Properties window in Drawing Board, which enables you to move objects on the current sheet to another sheet.

  4. Added the "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" to the right click popup menu of runout objects on Drawing Board.

  5. Added a new "New Project" dialog that lets you set up a lot of information about a new project before you begin. You can specify which default data to get from from another project (using the old New Project dialog), which Rhvac or Chvac project to get data from, which folder to save the new project in, and what the new filename will be.

Version 6.01.167 [12/21/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug that made it so if you had any trunks with a non zero Percent Diversity input, and you also had Show Diversified Flow set to No, and you also had Allow Increasing Downstream Diameters set to No, it was possible for runout sizes to go small enough to make the velocities exceed your maximum velocity constraints.

Version 6.01.166 [12/18/2004]

  1. For Drawing Board, made it so when you export a wmf or other file through the "File | Export | From Drawing" feature, only the visible parts of the drawing are exported.

  2. Added a tooltip to the Object Properties window in Drawing Board that lets you see the entire property value when the text width is wider than the space available.

Version 6.01.165 [10/26/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug that made it so the program could lock up after executing Drawing Board's Undo feature.

Version 6.01.164 [8/19/2004]

  1. Fixed a problem where if you entered fittings in the recently added new inputs for fittings (fitting numbers 3, 4 and 5 for trunks; 4 and 5 for runouts), those fittings would not show up on the trunk and runout input reports.

  2. Fixed a bug where the title of the report said "Supply" instead of "Return" on the return trunk and runout input reports.

  3. Fixed a bug where a transition fitting entered on the trunk connected to the fan would not use the fan blast width and height when determining the loss due to the transition. Also made it so if you enter a transition fitting in one of the non-junction inputs of that first trunk but do not enter the fan blast width and height, an error is reported.

  4. Included a new version of the Elite Software Update Manager that gets its version information from a different location.

Version 6.01.162 [7/28/2004]

  1. For projects created by importing ducts from an ABS 2005 drawing, added a new button to the trunk and runout data windows called, "Zoom to Duct in ABS." This new button will let you automatically zoom to the current duct on the dwg and bring the ABS window to the front.

  2. Fixed a bug where the Adjust Runout Airflow dialog did not work right with Drawing Board projects. If the Drawing Board window was not open, it would change the runout airflows in the project file, but once you open the Drawing Board window again they would be back to their original values. Now the Adjust Runout Airflow dialog actually modifies the Flow Discharge property of runout objects on Drawing Board. Note that if the project is in Drawing Board mode but the Drawing Board window is not open the "Tools | Adjust Runout Airflow" menu will be grayed out.

  3. Included new versions of the components that are used to generate the print preview and create a PDF file from it.

  4. Modifed the Elite Software Update Manager program to include menus, an About box, and right click popup menus.

  5. Fixed a bug where the Ductsize Help window would not open when you pressed F1 at the Fitting Selector window if you opened it from the Object Properties window of Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.159 [7/16/2004]

  1. Corrected the list of suggested values in the dropdown help window for the "Friction Loss per Length" input on the System tab of the System Data window. The values had been 24.9 and 12.5, but they needed to be 0.82 and 0.41.

  2. Added an "Elite Software Update Manager" feature to automatically check to see if an update is available when the program is first opened. Also added a menu item under the Help menu called, "Check for Updates," which lets you open this new program, named EliteUpd.exe. This program lets you check the current status of your Elite Software programs to see whether or not any of them need to be updated.

Version 6.01.157 [7/2/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug on the duct objects in Drawing Board, where the Fitting Selector window did not float over the main program window, so that if you clicked back on the drawing, the Fitting Selector window would wind up behind the main window. Also fixed a bug that made it possible under certain circumstances to open multiple instances of the Fitting Selector window for the same duct object.

Version 6.01.156 [7/1/2004]

  1. Fixed a problem in the dwg importing code, where it was not properly handling the situation where an endcap is capping off one outlet of a junction fitting.

  2. Made it so when assigning calculated data back to a dwg that was imported, both of the connectors of a common elbow fitting are set to have the same calculated size as that of the upstream duct. And made it so a takeoff's connectors are both set to have the same calculated size as that of the downstream duct.

  3. Fixed a problem in the dwg importing code, where if a takeoff was connected to the upstream duct where that duct had an air terminal very close to the takeoff, the duct would not get broken and the duct downstream of the takeoff would be connected to the wrong duct in the Ductsize project.

  4. Added a project called "Sample Metric.dsw" to the setup.

  5. When preparing to import ducts from a dwg file, added an extra line of code to ensure that the Autodesk Building Systems window is brought to the front at the time that you have to select the main trunk.

  6. Fixed a problem with the creation of duct name tags when importing ducts from a dwg, where the tags were oriented with respect to the WCS rather than the UCS.

  7. Made it so a duct name tag for a flex duct is positioned at the upstream end of the duct.

  8. Fixed a problem where the duct name tags on a metric drawing would be too small.

Version 6.01.154 [6/21/2004]

  1. Made it so you can have a transition fitting on a duct that does not match that duct's shape if the transition fitting's shape does match the shape of the upstream duct.

  2. Fixed a problem where the old versions of the fitting data files that were updated in the past few months were still being included in the setup. The new versions of these files include a few of the new fittings that were added to the program recently.

Version 6.01.153 [6/10/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug in a change that was added in version 6.01.152 having to do with allowing a junction fitting that does not match its trunk's shape to be okay if it does match the shape of one of its downstream branches.

Version 6.01.152 [6/9/2004]

  1. Fixed various problems in the dwg importing code related to how it handles fittings and which duct it assigns a fitting to.

  2. Fixed a bug in the feature where you can enter various "ABS Code" values in the Description property, where it would not recognize the code you entered without a space before the equals sign.

  3. Increased the number of allowed fittings from 2 to 5 for trunks, and from 3 to 5 for runouts. This change was needed because when importing a dwg it had been possible for the number of fittings assigned to a duct to exceed the maximum number allowed per duct.

  4. Made it so when importing a dwg where a transition is upstream of a junction, that transition fitting will get assigned to all downstream branches, since each branch needs to account for the loss due to that fitting.

  5. Made it so you can have a junction fitting with a shape that does not match its trunk's shape, if the junction fitting's shape does match the shape of at least one of its downstream branches.

Version 6.01.150 [5/31/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the 2nd appended value for a fitting for a project that was created prior to version 6.01.136 to not be set to the appropriate default value for that fitting.

  2. Fixed a recently introduced bug where velocities were being wrongly calculated for metric projects.

  3. Changed the calculation of velocity for rectangular ducts back to the way it was several weeks ago where it is usually based on the equivalent round diameter. This change was needed in order to correct a situation where the available static pressure at the worst case runout could be slightly non-zero.

  4. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the appended values for a fitting to be incorrect in the calculations when the project was set to metric units.

  5. Added several more allowed fittings.

Version 6.01.147 [5/29/2004]

  1. Made it so the dwg importing code properly handles drawings with units other than inches. The following kinds of Drawing Units in ABS are allowed by Ductsize: Inches, Feet, Millimeters, Centimeters, Decimeters, and Meters. If you try to import ducts from a dwg where the Drawing Units setting in ABS does not match the current Units input in Ductsize, it gives you a warning letting you know that there is a mismatch and gives you some options about how you want to handle it.

  2. Fixed a bug where it was not possible to save a project after having assigned calculated data to an ABS dwg.

  3. Added lines to the System Output Summary report to show the setting of the "Isolate Return From Supply" input on the System Data window, and the amount of static pressure loss, if any, from the return side that was added to the first trunk on the supply side.

Version 6.01.144 [5/20/2004]

  1. Made it so if you are reimporting a duct system from a dwg and a duct has already been broken at a takeoff, the program will not try to break the duct again. It now looks to see if the distance between the upstream duct's point connector is within 3 times its diameter from the point connector of the takeoff. If so, it does not attempt a break.

  2. Fixed a bug where a runout could be called a trunk in the text of a warning on the Evaluation of DWG Import window.

  3. Fixed a bug where if the Regional and Language Options settings were such that a comma was being used instead of the decimal point, the functions of the toggle buttons on the Project Explorer window could be shifted so that you could get, for example, the discharge CFM when clicking the "Show Duct Size" button.

  4. Fixed a problem where the SR1-1 fitting was still not being allowed, though the picture for it was added recently.

Version 6.01.143 [5/17/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug where the "Installed" column on the dropdown help to select whether to import CFM data from Rhvac or Chvac would show "No" for Chvac if only version 7 of that program was installed.

  2. Updated the duct objects on Drawing Board to incorporate the new fitting appended value features implemented in the regular trunk and runout data windows.

Version 6.01.141 (ABS Test Version) [5/14/2004]

  1. Made it so you can enter "SM = [x]" (where x is either "SR," "EF," "CV," or "PS," as an abbreviation for the sizing method) in the Description property for a duct object on a dwg and Ductsize will assign the sizing method that you entered for that duct. Note that if you enter this sizing method code in the Description property of a duct, it overrides the "Presize Options" setting that you selected on the "Import DWG Options" dialog.

  2. Added a "Find Duct" tool to the Project Explorer.

  3. Corrected the logic that processes a duct on a dwg that has its downstream end connected to an endcap but that also has a takeoff. Now such a duct is no longer incorrectly flagged as being ignored.

  4. Added a warning to the "Evaluation of DWG Import" for any object found and processed as a fitting that was of an unrecognized type and therefore not assigned an ASHRAE fitting ID.

  5. Made it so you can enter "AT = True" in the Description property of a VAV box on a dwg and Ductsize will treat it like an air terminal ("AT" is an abbreviation for Air Terminal). It will read its flow, treat the duct just upstream as a runout, and ignore anything else connected downstream.

Version 6.01.139 (ABS Test Version) [5/7/2004]

  1. Fixed a problem in importing a dwg, where if an MvPart or fitting was connected downstream of an air terminal it would be ignored.

  2. Added the ability to enter the code "Duct Length = [x]" in the Description property of an ABS duct object to override the duct object's actual length.

  3. Rounded off the takeoff angle read from a dwg to no decimal places.

Version 6.01.138 (ABS Test Version) [5/5/2004]

  1. Made it so you can assign extra fitting parameters on a dwg that you will be importing by entering data in the Description property for each fitting object. The text that you enter is called "ABS Code" and is shown on the Fitting Selector and Fitting Viewer windows for each fitting that requires extra data. An example is "L = 18" to enter the length for an SR4-1 transition fitting. This feature lets you enter almost all of your duct-specific data in the dwg itself.

  2. Made it so you can enter the text "ASPLoss = [x]" (where [x] is the loss value) in the Description property for a duct or fitting object in order to assign a value to Ductsize's Additional Static Pressure Loss input for the appropriate duct.

  3. Made it so you can enter None in the Engineering ID property to tell Ductsize to ignore any other ASHRAE fitting ID's in the other properties.

  4. Made it so when you import dwg with fittings that require extra parameters to be set, a warning is added to the Evaluation of Import dialog that appears immediately after the import process is finished. A warning is not added if you have entered the ABS Code for that fitting in the Description property, as described above. You can double click a warning item in the list to edit that duct in Ductsize. You can Ctrl+double click on an item in the list to bring the ABS application window to the front and automatically zoom to the appropriate duct.

  5. Added a "Show Import Warnings" button to the "Assign Calculated Data to DWG" dialog. Clicking this button displays the Evalution of Import window again for the selected duct system.

  6. Added an "Assign Data for One Duct" button to the "Assign Calculated Data to DWG" dialog, which lets you enter an object handle to assign data for just one duct in the selected system.

  7. Added a "Delete" button to the "Assign Calculated Data to DWG" dialog, which lets you delete the importing data associated with the selected system.

  8. Made it so the global defaults for extra fitting parameters can be edited on the Fitting Viewer dialog. If you change a fitting parameter value it is saved in the program's ini file and that value will be used for any fittings for which you have not specifically set that data.

  9. Added a toolbar button and right click menu item on the Project Explorer window, for any duct that is part of a system that has been imported from a dwg, which lets you automatically zoom to that duct on the dwg and bring the ABS window to the front. The new item is called "Zoom to [handle] in ABS."

Version 6.01.136 (ABS Test Version) [4/21/2004]

  1. Added several exhaust and other fittings that had previously not been allowed. Divided some of the categories on the Fitting Selector and Fitting Viewer windows so that supply and return fittings can be listed separately.

  2. Added the ability to do multiple imports from the same dwg or from different dwg files. Added a dialog called "Assign Calculated Data to DWG," which lets you select which of the imported duct systems that you want to assign calculated data for.

  3. Added more EngineeringData properties that get assigned to the duct objects on the dwg.

  4. Made it so the duct name tags won't be duplicated on the dwg if you import a duct system that you had previously imported and assigned duct name tags to before.

  5. Added many more fittings to the Default Fitting Data window and changed its name to better show that the purpose of that window is only for assigning default fitting data during the process of importing ducts from an ABS drawing. Added Round and Rectangular tabs to that window to reduce its size, which was needed because of all the new default fitting types.

  6. Added up to two inputs to the Fitting Selector dialog, so that you can assign the "appended" value for each particular fitting you select. The appended data includes things like the fitting angle, its length, etc.. Removed the appended value input from the trunk and runout data windows and made it so the information for each fitting is saved behind the scenes and is only displayed when you open the Fitting Selector window.

  7. Modified the logic of assigning fitting data during the import of a dwg so that the program properly handles the situation where one or more fittings is directly downstream of a junction fitting (without a duct in between the fittings), as can occur with a transition downstream of a tee.

  8. Modified the dwg importing code so that some fittings such as transitions and takeoffs get assigned to the downstream rather than the upstream duct.

  9. Modified purpose of the "Allow Increasing Downstream Diameters" input on the System Data window so that it also applies to runouts. So if you enter Yes for that input it will be possible under certain circumstances for a runout to have a larger size than its upstream trunk.

  10. Fixed a bug where it was possible to change the value of read-only properties on the Object Properties window of Drawing Board.

  11. Fixed a bug where the "Print Selected Pages" dialog would not display its information correctly on a DBCS version of Windows such as a Korean or Japanese version.

  12. Added a button to the Print Preview window's toolbar that lets you save the document as a PDF file.

  13. Added the ability to zoom, scroll and navigate the print preview with the mouse wheel. Rolling the mouse wheel scrolls the report up or down. If you use the mouse wheel to scroll to the top or bottom of the page and keep rolling, the preview will go to the previous or next page. Holding down the Shift key and rolling the mouse wheel navigates to the previous or next page. Holding down the Ctrl key while rolling the mouse wheel zooms in or out.

Version 6.01.134 (ABS Test Version) [3/17/2004]

  1. Fixed a bug where it was possible to change the value of read-only properties on the Object Properties window of Drawing Board.

  2. Modified the ABS link so that after selecting the dwg file and clicking OK on the next dialog, the ABS window is brought to the front to let you select the main trunk of the system you want to import.

  3. Modified the Import DWG Options dialog to allow you to specify the system to import the ducts to, whether it is a supply or return, whether or not to enforce the Lock Size property on ducts in the dwg. It also now includes options to let you create tags on each duct in the dwg that show the handle of the duct, which is the same as its name in Ductsize.

Version 6.01.132 [2/19/2003]

  1. Fixed a bug on the "Auto Create/Refresh Runouts" dialog that made it so when it was importing room CFM from Rhvac version 8, it would use the Peak Load Procedure (PLP) room CFM instead of that of the Average Load Procedure (ALP), even if the Rhvac project was not multizone and therefore used ALP for calculating the room CFM. This change affects this dialog whether opened from the File menu or from the right click popup menu in Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.131 [2/18/2003] (Test Version for the ABS Guys)

  1. Made several changes to make the program work with the next release of Autodesk's ABS software. New features include handling drawings with takeoff fittings, assigning calculated sizes back to the dwg which ABS can then use to update the duct sizes, as well as assigning pressure loss information to each duct. These features are only partially complete in this version.

  2. Made it so the Evaluation of Project window shows its list of errors or warnings in a listbox rather than just as text. You can now double click on most errors or warnings and the program will take you to the appropriate duct or system so you can fix the error. It works both for projects done with Drawing Board and those entered in the regular trunk and runout data windows.

Version 6.01.130 [8/19/2003]

  1. Fixed a bug that made it so the Auto Create/Refresh Runouts dialog would not open when you clicked the menu for it from the right click popup menu for a trunk object on Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.129 [8/13/2003]

  1. Fixed a bug where installing the latest version of Rhvac would make Ductsize's Drawing Board window not be able to read ducts from the drawing.

Version 6.01.128 [7/17/2003]

  1. Added the ability to enter the length of transition fittings as an "additional parameter."

  2. Added the following fittings from the ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database: SR7-13, SR7-14, SR7-15, SR7-16, SR7-17.

  3. Added Blast Width and Blast Height inputs to the Fan tab of the System Data window, replacing the existing Blast Area input. These new inputs are needed because of the addition of fitting SR7-17, where the program needs to calculate the angle, theta, using the fan's blast width and height, the width and height of the main trunk and the length of the fitting (entered as an "additional parameter").

  4. Made it so when no fitting has been entered in one of the fitting inputs for a trunk or runout, dashes ("----") are shown instead of the words "No Fitting" on the output reports.

Version 6.01.124 [7/15/2003]

  1. Updated the dwg file importing feature to work with AutoDesk Building Systems 2004.

Version 6.01.122 [7/7/2003]

  1. Added an up or down arrow to the column headers on the projects list on the New Project dialog to indicate the sort column and the direction of the sort.

  2. Fixed a bug where if you clicked the Modified column on the New Project dialog in order to sort the projects by date, the items were not sorted correctly.

  3. Fixed a bug where a "Subscript out of range" error could occur during calculations if an appropriate size was not found in the duct schedule database.

Version 6.01.121 [5/12/2003]

  1. Fixed a problem introduced in version 6.01.120 concerning the appearance of the list on the dropdown help windows.

Version 6.01.120 [5/10/2003]

  1. Increased the largest possible number that you can enter into the Blast Area input on the Fan tab of the System Data window in order to accommodate metric projects.

  2. Made a correction in the calculation of the loss due to SR7 and SD7 fittings when the project is set to use metric units.

  3. Made it so the Drawing Board window opens faster for drawings with ducts. The program had been regenerating each duct to be updated from the calculations at the time that the Drawing Board window was opened.

Version 6.01.118 [4/10/2003]

  1. Corrected the misspelling of the word "origin" in two places in the error messages that can appear in the Evaluation of Project window.

  2. Made it so clicking the "File | Import | AutoCAD DSA File Into New Project" menu does not automatically follow the importing process with opening the "Save Project As" dialog.

  3. Added the ability to import ducts from an AutoCAD dwg file where the ducts on the drawing were created using AutoDesk Building Mechanical 2. Click the menu "File | Import | AutoCAD DWG File Into New Project" to use this feature. Note that you must have that software installed on your computer for this feature to work.

  4. Added a link in the "Elite Software on the Web" menu to the Ductsize Update page.

  5. In order to make it easier to understand how to customize the toolbar, added a toolbar called "Extended Toolbar" and renamed the "Standard" toolbar to "Standard Toolbar." Also changed the "Customize" dialog's caption to "Customize Toolbar" and modified some of its labels.

  6. Updated the help file to include information about the new feature for importing dwg files, etc..

  7. Fixed a bug on the Project Explorer that made it so the system names shown could sometimes be incorrect if the project had multiple systems and the system nodes were not in order according to the system number.

Version 6.01.114 [3/25/2003]

NOTE: If you use Drawing Board with Rhvac or Chvac you will need to install today's update for those programs along with this update.

  1. Added a menu "Auto-Create/Refresh Runouts From Rhvac/Chvac" item to the File menu. This item becomes available only after you have imported some data from an Rhvac or Chvac project. Clicking it opens a new "Auto-Create/Refresh Runouts" dialog that lets you automatically create runouts from an Rhvac or Chvac project.

  2. Added a new "Auto-Create/Refresh Runouts" menu item to the right click popup menu for trunk objects on Drawing Board. Clicking this menu item opens the same dialog mentioned above and lets you automatically create Supply Runout objects for rooms on the drawing.

  3. Fixed a bug that could cause the program to lock up when switching from the Drawing Board window to the Supply Runout Data window.

  4. Added the room or zone from Rhvac or Chvac that the current runout is linked to, if any, to the caption of the Supply Runout Data window. If the current runout is linked to a room or zone such as "Kitchen," the caption ends with "[Location: Kitchen]." Also added the location to the dropdown help for the runout number input.

  5. Added a "Show Location" toggle button to the Project Explorer toolbar, which shows the location of any runouts that have been linked to an Rhvac room or Chvac zone.

Version 6.01.112 [3/12/2003]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in a recent version where the Runout Name and Airflow dialog would not open from Drawing Board.

  2. Fixed a bug where it was possible for the drawing file of a project to be deleted under certain circumstances.

  3. Fixed a bug where the Object Properties window in Drawing Board was not immediately updated to show the new runout flow discharge or name when you clicked OK on the Runout Name and Airflow dialog.

Version 6.01.110 [3/11/2003]

  1. Made it so the names of the Desktop and Start menu shortcuts that the installation program creates include the version number of the program.

  2. Fixed a bug where the runout flow text on a Drawing Board runout object would not automatically update itself if you change the flow by using the "Runout Name and Airflow" dialog.

  3. Improved the way the Import AutoCAD/Softdesk File feature works, so that the logic makes more sense that determines the sequence in which the various dialogs and message boxes appear.

  4. Added an About Drawing Board item to the Help menu so you can see the license level, the company headings and the version number.

  5. Swapped places of the duct name and upstream trunk inputs on the trunk and runout data windows in order to put more screen distance between the "No." input and the upstream trunk input, since their dropdown help lists look so similar.

  6. Added a "Drawing File Link" checkbox item to the list on the Import General Project Data dialog, which makes it so the current project is linked to the same Drawing Board file as the Rhvac or Chvac project from which you are importing.

Version 6.01.108 [12/30/2002]

  1. Fixed a problem where the Rhvac version 8 data files could get created in the course of using the Rhvac Drawing Objects if Rhvac was not installed.

  2. Fixed a bug where if you installed Ductsize on a computer where Rhvac was not installed and you clicked the dropdown help button beside the System Number property of the Room object on the Object Properties window of Drawing Board, the program would lock up.

Version 6.01.107 [12/28/2002]

  1. Made it so if you try to drag and drop a floor plan object from the wrong catalog (i.e., from the Rhvac Drawing Objects catalog while you are working in Chvac) a message box is displayed telling you to change to the correct catalog.

  2. Added a feature that prevents the program from opening a project from a floppy disk. If you try to open a project from a floppy disk, a message box will appear telling you that the program will instead copy the selected file from the floppy disk to the Projects folder on your hard disk and open it from there. Or if you try to save a project to the floppy disk, the program will display a message box telling you that it will only copy the file to the floppy but that the current project will remain at its present location.

  3. Fixed a bug where clicking Save Project As with a project that had already been named would not always work properly.

  4. Made it so if you click Save Project As while the Drawing Board window is open the project saves faster than it did before.

  5. Took measures to prevent a bug where the text for duct objects could remain light gray after selecting another sheet then coming back to the original sheet.

  6. Modified the program to be able to read data from Rhvac version 8 project files. Modified the setup to install the "Rhvac MJ8 Drawing Objects.dbc" catalog and its ocx component instead of the "Rhvac Drawing Objects.dbc" catalog. Modified the sample Ductsize Drawing Board picture files to use the Rhvac version 8 objects. Modified the setup to only install RhvDraw8.ocx if Rhvac version 8 is not installed.

Version 6.01.105 [9/19/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug introduced in the previous update where the Draw, Format and View menus for Drawing Board did not work in this program. Made modifications to prevent that from happening in the future.

Version 6.01.104 [9/17/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug on the Drawing Board window where if your project was set to metric units and you set the Update Display Width property of the duct objects to True, the duct widths shown on the drawing would be too large.

  2. Fixed a bug in the Import AutoCAD File feature where if you added any ducts after having imported the DSA file, some of the duct connections could become invalid.

  3. Fixed a bug where if the project was set to metric units, any runout objects on the Drawing Board window that had the Show Flow property set to True would have "CFM" in the duct name rather than "L/s."

Version 6.01.100 [8/10/2002]

  1. Corrected some things on the Project Explorer related to the new feature of showing the calculated duct size.

  2. Corrected the tab order for the new items on the Reports tab of the Select Reports dialog.

  3. Made it so the length displayed on the Project Explorer is rounded off to two decimal places if necessary.

  4. Fixed a problem where if you clicked on the Drawing Board button in the toolbar while that window was already open, an unnecessary delay could happen due to the drawing being updated at an inappropriate time.

Version 6.01.97 [8/8/2002] (Test Version)

  1. Added a "Rotate Diffuser 90°" command to the right click popup menu for Runout objects on the Drawing Board window. Clicking this item swaps the values of the Diffuser Height and Diffuser Width properties. This item is enabled only if those two properties are not equal.

  2. Fixed a bug on the Diffuser Loss property of the runout objects on Drawing Board, where the dropdown help would not be available for a runout that was existing when the drawing was opened. Did the same thing for the Flow Arrow Scale property.

  3. Fixed a bug on the Runout Sound Data report, where if a return system was present along with the supply system, the return system's report would not be printed on a new page, but at the end of the supply system's final page.

  4. Added inputs for diffuser width and length, flow option and diffuser description to the runout data window. Also added these same inputs to the System Data window under the duct defaults for runouts. The dropdown help for the description input displays the contents of a user-editable text file for register model numbers. Click the first item in the list to edit the file. A separate file is included for grilles.

  5. Added an option to the Ductsize Options dialog for using the word "Register" instead of "Diffuser" throughout the program.

  6. Made it so the program uses the word "Grille" when dealing with return runouts.

  7. Fixed a bug that made it possible for a runout on Drawing Board to be invisible except for its diffuser after setting its Show As Double Line property to false.

  8. Added new options to the Duct Options window in Drawing Board for including the diffuser description and size with the duct name.

  9. Added new toggle buttons to the Project Explorer window's toolbar for showing the duct size, diffuser size, flow option and diffuser description.

  10. Made it so the Project Explorer window will refresh its data when necessary upon clicking the toggle buttons. Also made it so it will recalculate the project if necessary in order to display the correct duct sizes.

  11. Added a Duct Connection Tree Diagram report that is a replica of the layout shown on the Project Explorer window. Added a checkbox list to the Select Reports dialog that mirrors the state of the Project Explorer window's toolbar's toggle buttons. The list determines which types of data are shown on the report.

Version 6.01.93 [6/29/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug that was introduced in a recent version where the program could lock up when opening the Runout Name and Airflow dialog.

Version 6.01.92 [6/11/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug on the trunk and runout data windows, the System Data window and the Adjust Runout Airflow dialog where the Yes/No inputs did not work when Windows is set to use a language other than English.

Version 6.01.91 [6/8/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug on the Runout Data window where it was possible for the default information to remain blank after having assigned an upstream trunk.

  2. Corrected a problem where if you had a rectangular or oval duct entered as Presize, you did have a maximum diameter but not a maximum width or height entered, the program would not add an appropriate error to the Evaluation of Project window. An error would appear in that window, but it would be something that didn't tell you precisely what you had done wrong.

  3. Fixed a bug on the duct objects on Drawing Board where if you had the Update Display Width property set to True, but had the Show Size Text property set to False, the display width would not be updated to match the calculated duct sizes.

Version 6.01.90 [5/14/2002]

  1. Added the shortcut key operation text to the popup menu that appears when you right click on a duct object. This new text tells you how to do the Add Bend and Remove Bend operations by Ctrl+Double Click and Shift+Double Click, respectively.

  2. Fixed a bug where if the cumulative static pressure losses of every runout in the system was negative, the lines in the System Output Summary report showing the static pressure of the fan, the cumulative static pressure loss at the worst case runout, and the static pressure available at that runout were incorrect.

Version 6.01.89 [5/6/2002]

  1. On Drawing Board, made it so the duct name on runout objects maintains its position relative to the diffuser end of the duct rather than the upstream end.

  2. Made it so if the yellow handle for the duct name or fitting name is positioned on top of the yellow handle it is positioned relative to, the text will be moved a little bit. This change was needed in order to prevent the situation where you could not move the text away from that point on the duct.

  3. Fixed a bug on Drawing Board where if a duct's Active property was set to False it would still be seen as being active by the calculations.

  4. Made it so when you delete a duct that was plugged in to an upstream trunk or had ducts plugged in to it, all the ducts are unplugged from each other before the duct is deleted, which makes it so the appearance of the ducts is changed to show that the remaining ducts are not connected.

  5. Added a Show Junction Fitting property to the Trunk objects on Drawing Board. Setting this property to True makes it so a junction fitting will be drawn at the downstream end of the current trunk.

Version 6.01.85 [4/17/2002]

  1. Fixed a bug that would prevent calculations and cause an error 6, Overflow, to show up in the Evaluation of Project window when you have ducts with oval shape that are not presized.

Version 6.01.84 [4/15/2002]

  1. Included a file that was needed in order to make it so the links in the program's help files to the Elite Software Handbook help file would work.

  2. Fixed a bug introduced in version 6.01.83 that made it so the Edit, Draw, Format and View menus that are inserted when the Drawing Board window is active were not operational.

Version 6.01.83 [4/9/2002]

  1. Added Go buttons to the right of the client and company e-mail address and website inputs on the General Project Data window.

  2. Made it so today's date is inserted into the Date input on the Project tab of the General Project Data window when you press the backspace key in that input when there is no text in it.

  3. Corrected some of the colors on some of the windows so that when using an appearance scheme (on Windows' Display Properties dialog) where 3D objects are some other color than light gray, those objects display the appropriate color rather than remaining light gray. Also changed the colors of the background and text on the dropdown help windows to match the currently selected system colors for tooltips. This change was needed in order to ensure that the colors are appropriate for different Windows appearance settings.

  4. Made it so the caption of the trunk and runout data windows includes the current duct number and the total number of ducts (i.e., "Trunk 4 of 8"). Also made it so if the project is in Drawing Board mode the caption includes the text, "(Drawing Board Mode)."

  5. Made it so the project file gets compacted when saved.

  6. Fixed a bug where if the mouse button configuration was set to left-handed, you still had to click with the left mouse button to select an item from the list on the dropdown help windows.

  7. Fixed a bug where the installation program would still show the "Select Common Directory" page even when the directory exists.

  8. Added a new option to the Ductsize Options dialog called "Start in Drawing Board mode" which makes it so the New Project dialog opens with the "Start in Drawing Board mode" checkbox either checked or unchecked.

  9. Replaced the checkboxes on the Ductsize Options with a checkbox-style list.

  10. Modified the sample projects that ship with the program so that the "Maximum supply air increse" input on the System tab of the System Data window is zero.

  11. Made it so when you click on the Duct Defaults, System or Fan tabs on the System Data window, the focus goes to the first text input on the tab you clicked.

  12. Added an "Isolate return from supply" input to the System tab of the System Data window. When you set this input to "Yes," it makes it so the return system's static pressure loss is not added to the static pressure loss of the supply side. This feature can be useful if you have a return fan that will be boosting the static pressure loss and you don't want the static pressure loss of the return side to affect the supply side, so that you can see exactly how much fan static pressure you need on the supply side.

  13. Fixed a bug where the "Return fan static pressure boost" input on the System tab of the System Data window was not being used. Now the program will take the value you enter in this input and decrease the static pressure loss from the return side that gets added to the supply side by the amount you enter.

Version 6.01.81 [1/29/2002]

  1. Added JPG files to the kinds of files that the title page picture dialog includes in finding a picture file.

  2. Fixed a problem where the program would sound a beep when you pressed Enter on some of the inputs.

  3. Made it so when you are editing a layer name, a sheet name or a property value, you can just click away from the text edit box and the change will take effect. An exception to that is when editing a property value on the Object Properties dialog and you click on a different object on the drawing.

  4. Fixed a bug in the installation where the fan database file would not get installed on a first time installation.

Version 6.01.80 [12/21/2001]

  1. Changed the HTML Filename input on the Select Reports dialog to HTML Folder. Made it so you now select just the folder where you want the HTML file to go and it will automatically have the same name as the current project, except that the extension of the file will be htm. This change simplifies this feature a little and corrects a bug in its previous implementation where if you typed in a different filename for the HTML Filename input that was different than the base name of the current project, that name you typed in would not be used anyway; the HTML file generated would have the same base name as the current project.

  2. Fixed a bug that made it so the PLENUM fitting would show up in the list of non-junction fittings on the Fitting Selector and Fitting Viewer windows.

  3. Made it so the fitting picture on the Fitting Selector and Fitting Viewer windows does not flicker when you click a different fitting in the list or when you resize the window.

  4. Fixed a bug where the Ductsize Help Reference window would not appear upon pressing F1 from the Fitting Selector window.

  5. Added the title of this program to the caption of the Save Reminder window.

  6. Made it so the Select Reports window closes when you click "File | Close Project."

  7. Fixed a bug where the menu "Help | Getting Started" was not operational.

  8. Added a new menu item under the Help menu for a new "Frequently Asked Questions" topic in the Drawing Board help file.

Version 6.01.79 [10/23/2001]

  1. Added a default runout diffuser loss input to the System Data window. This input lets you enter a default value on that window which will apply to any runouts where you leave the diffuser loss input at zero.

  2. Added 5, 7 and 9 inch diameter sizes to the round duct schedules in the Material Database.

  3. Made it so the labels on the trunk and runout data windows showing the default values from the System Data window are filled in more consistently when possible. Also made it so these labels are updated instantly while you type values into the default trunk and runout inputs on the system data window.

  4. Added the dropdown list items from the dropdown help for the System Data's runout maximum velocity input to the dropdown help window of the corresponding input on the runout data window.

  5. Added a subject to the FAQ topic of the help file that explains what to do if the total static pressure loss for a system of ducts seems too high.

Version 6.01.78 [10/11/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where if multiple ducts were selected on the Drawing Board window and any of the fitting properties were set, the property would only be set for one duct.

  2. Fixed a bug where it was possible to paste an invalid number into an input causing a Type Mismatch error to occur which would be fatal to the input component, causing you to have to close and reopen the program.

  3. Made it so if you select Presize for the sizing method of a duct, the size you enter (diameter or height and width) will be used as the size for that duct, even if no such size exists in the Material Database.

  4. Made it so when you enter Presize for the Sizing Method property of a duct object on Drawing Board, the size shown on the drawing for that duct will be the value you enter in the Maximum Height, Width or Diameter properties for that duct. Formerly, you had to run the calculations by evaluating the project or opening the Print Preview window in order to make the size you enter show up on the drawing.

  5. Added a Diffuser Shape property to runout objects on the Drawing Board drawing. This property lets you set the shape to either round or rectangular. There is also a new menu item to set the shape in the popup menu that appears when you right click on a runout.

  6. Added Diffuser Width and Diffuser Height properties to the runout objects on the Drawing Board drawing. These new properties make it so you can change the dimensions of the diffuser whether it is round (elliptical) or rectangular.

  7. Added Flow Arrow Up, Down, Left and Right properties to the runout objects on the Drawing Board drawing. These properties make it so you can show the direction that the air will flow from the diffuser. Also added menu items for these properties in the popup menu that appears when you right click on a runout. Also added a Flow Arrow Scale property (defaulted to 1.0), which lets you adjust the size of the arrows.

  8. Added a Ductsize Drawing Colors menu item to the popup menu that appears when you right click on a runout object on the Drawing Board drawing. Clicking this menu item displays a Ductsize Drawing Colors dialog that lets you select the various colors for the supply and return ducts.

  9. Made it so when a duct shown with the flex duct cross hatching is not connected to an upstream trunk, the cross hatching is gray rather than black.

  10. Made it so when a runout object is connected to or disconnected from an upstream trunk, the diffuser part of the object is filled in with the same color as is appropriate for the rest of the duct. Formerly, the fill color for the diffuser part of the object remained the same color, which was different than the color of the rest of the duct.

  11. Made it so double clicking on a duct with the Ctrl key pressed will add a bend in the section that you double click. Also made it so double clicking on a duct with the Shift key down will remove the nearest bend point. These features are the same as the Add Bend and Remove Bend menu items that appear in the popup menu that appears when you right click on a duct.

  12. Made it so you can import and export more types of pictures: AutoCAD 10 dxf, AutoCAD 14 dxf, Windows Metafiles (wmf), Enhanced Metafiles (emf), Bitmaps (bmp) and MetaDraw Pictures (mdp) files. Changed the Import DXF and Export DXF menus to just Import Into Drawing and Export From Drawing.

  13. Added a Preview button to the DXF File Conversion Guide dialog, which lets you verify whether or not you have entered everything correctly on that dialog to bring the dxf file into the drawing at the correct size.

  14. Made it so the Supply Trunk Data and Supply Runout Data windows have toolbar icons with yellow ducts instead of light blue, in keeping with the program's convention of yellow for supply ducts, light blue for return.

  15. Made it so if you open a new child window which had been in a maximized state when it was closed previously, but there is a child window open that is not maximized the new child window will not be maximized either.

  16. Included a new catalog for Drawing Board, Electrical.dbc, which includes receptacles, lights, switches, etc..

  17. On 10/12/2001, fixed a bug in the new exporting feature of Drawing Board where if you try to export a bitmap, dxf, etc., the file would not be of the correct picture type.

Version 6.01.77 [8/27/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where if the worst case runout in a system was set to use the Presize sizing method and not all other ducts in the project were using that method, and the Fan Static Pressure entered on the System Data window was zero, it was possible for the System Output Summary report to show a negative value for available static pressure at the worst runout. The fan static pressure shown would be less than the greatest loss, and the static pressure available shown on the rightmost column of the Runout Output Report would also be negative instead of zero.

Version 6.01.76 [8/16/2001]

  1. Added the system name, as entered on the System Data window, to the main headers of the reports.

  2. Increased the width of the Page Number dropdown list in order to accommodate longer page titles.

Version 6.01.75 [8/6/2001]

  1. On the trunk and runout data windows, increased the maximum value for the Additional Static Pressure Loss from 100 to 1000 to allow for a higher maximum value of Pascals when using metric units.

  2. On the Special tab of the Object Properties window of Drawing Board, increased the maximum value of the trunk and runout objects' Additional Static Pressure Loss property from 1 to 1000 to allow for a higher maximum value of Pascals when using metric units. Also increased the Runout object's Diffuser Loss property's maximum from 1 to 1000 for the same reason.

Version 6.01.74 [7/30/2001]

  1. Made it so the file DrbNewD1.dll is installed into the Elite\DrawBrd folder instead of this program's folder.

  2. Added the file ffJumpWeb.dll to the setup to make it so the links to web pages and e-mail addresses in the new help file will be operational.

  3. Corrected a few keywords in the help file that were left over from RHVAC.

  4. Fixed a bug on the General Project Data window where it was not possible to change the Units input from English to Metric or vice-versa.

  5. Added an "Overwrite Existing Files" page to the installation wizard, which lets you decide whether or not to overwrite your existing material and fan databases.

Version 6.01.73 [7/18/2001]

  1. Updated the New Drawing dialog to include a CHVAC Drawings tab.

  2. Added a 'Save Reminder' feature to the Options dialog, which allows you to optionally set the program to display a message box reminding you to save the project after a user-defined number of minutes.

  3. Fixed a bug where on languages other than English, the Yes/No inputs on the trunk and runout data windows and the System Data window would not be read correctly.

  4. Fixed a bug where the Quick Print Reports menu item did not set the margins and other printer properties to their user-defined or default values.

  5. Made it so the Drawing Board window opens (if in the normal windowstate) at the full size of the main window's client area.

  6. Included an updated help file.

  7. Made it so the following dialogs are shown centered over the main window instead of remembering their previous position: Ductsize Options, Adjust Runout Airflow, Select Reports.

Version 6.01.72 [6/14/2001]

  1. Made it so when you change the drawing file link to a different drawing file, the project is marked as needing to be saved.

  2. Fixed a bug where the Font sub menu would not appear when selecting the Font menu item at the bottom of the Format menu (which appears when the Drawing Board window is active).

  3. Added topics to the Drawing Board help file for the duct objects. Made it so the "Help on this Figure" menu items are also available for them.

  4. Techincal changes related to Drawing Board.

  5. Made it so the "Start in Drawing Board mode" checkbox on the New Project dialog begins as checked or unchecked according to how you had set it when that window was open previously.

Version 6.01.70 [5/18/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug on the Project Explorer window where if you were using Drawing Board to draw the ducts and you had some ducts in a system other than System 1, and the default settings for the sizing method and shape were different in System 1 than in the actual duct system of the ducts on the drawing, the Project Explorer would display the wrong values for these inputs.

  2. On 5/22/2001, updated the setup to include a newer version of Drawing Board, which was needed because a new version of RHVAC was uploaded today that also required the newer Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.68 [5/14/2001]

  1. Changes pertaining to Drawing Board.

Version 6.01.67 [5/11/2001]

  1. Added a "Print Preview Drawing" item to the File menu. This item can be selected when the Drawing Board window is active.

  2. Made it so the runout objects on the drawing will come in drawn as flex duct by default. Also made it so if a trunk or runout's Show As Flex Duct property is changed (by either double clicking or setting the Special property), the next duct of that kind that is dropped on the drawing will be either shown as flex duct or not, depending on what the last duct was changed to.

Version 6.01.66 [4/9/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug where if you copied Project data from a project that had a drawing linked to it, the drawing file could be mistakenly linked to the newly created project.

  2. Fixed a bug where the optional duct sizes shown on the Drawing Board drawing were not correct for return ducts, or for when any ducts are in system 2 or greater.

Version 6.01.65 [3/30/2001]

  1. Fixed a bug that made it so if you had more than one kind of duct material for the trunks within one system, it was possible for the Minimum Trunk Diameter input to not work as intended. The minimum diameter could get incremented repeatedly and wind up being several sizes above the appropriate size that should have been selected from the material schedule for a particular trunk.

  2. Added a Duct Name Options dialog for ducts drawn on the Drawing Board window. This new dialog lets you set whether or not to show the duct name, the calculated size, the junction fitting name and the runout airflow. It also includes an option for automatically updating the Display Width property of the ducts according to the calculated width or diameter of the duct. Special Properties for each of these items have also been added to the Object Properties window.

  3. Created a new "Sample DB.dsw" file as an example project included with the program. The previous file had some technical problems.

  4. Fixed a bug where if objects from "RHVAC Drawing Objects" and "Ductsize Drawing Objects" were on the same drawing it was possible for the project file in the current program to be corrupted.

  5. Fixed a bug where if you selected to copy the drawing from an existing project on the New Project dialog, the drawing would not get copied.

Version 6.01.64 [3/22/2001]

  1. Added a "Print Selected Pages" button to the Print Preview window. Clicking this button displays a new dialog that lets you select any of the pages from the current Print Preview window that you want to print.

  2. Added the report page titles to the Page Number combobox in the Print Preview window's toolbar.

  3. Made it so on a trunk or runout data window if there is only one duct of that kind and the Name is blank, the duct will be deleted when you close the window.

  4. Made it so on all the lines on the top section of the General Project Data Input report (except for the "Project Title" line) the line will not print unless something was entered for that item on the General Project Data window.

  5. Added "E-Mail Address" and "Website" inputs to the Client and Company tabs on the General Project Data window.

  6. Made adjustments to the title page and other reports to better accomodate variable margins.

Version 6.01.63 [3/2/2001]

  1. Drawing Board changes (See Readme.doc in Elite\DrawBrd folder).

Version 6.01.61 [2/28/2001] (Not Released)

  1. Technical changes related to saving the drawing file associated with a project.

  2. Included the RHVAC Drawing Objects catalog with the installation.

Version 6.01.59 [2/27/2001] (Not Released)

  1. Removed the following fittings from the available list: CR3-3, CR3-4, CR3-5, CR6-5, CD6-1.

  2. Made it so when you add a catalog to the Catalog Browser the project is marked as needing to be saved.

  3. Made it so the Save Project As command on a project that you have already named once (it is not "Untitled"), and that has a drawing linked to the project, the drawing will be copied to a new file as well.

Version 6.01.55 [2/22/2001] (Alpha Test Version)

  1. Fixed a bug on the Fitting Selector dialog where if you selected one of the last four items in the Fitting Type dropdown list, the list would contain all fittings instead of just the selected type.

  2. Added an option that makes it so the Object Properties window will move down to the next property when you press Enter.

  3. Fixed a bug where it was possible to get error messages in the current project that were left over from a previously opened project that had a drawing that had errors.

  4. On the General Project Data window, made it so when you click on a tab the focus shifts to the first input on that tab.

  5. Added Print Setup for Drawing and Page Setup for Reports menu items under the File menu. Also changed the name of the Print Setup tool to Print Setup for Reports and made it so the printer and orientation settings are saved with the program.

  6. Added a Save Drawing As Template menu item under the File menu. This item allows you to save a DTP file to the Templates folder. postamble();

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