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PsyChart Version 3 Recent Update History
Version Changes
Version 3.00.41 [1/31/2025] (Beta 1)
Added beta text to the about box and splash window.
Version 3.00.40 [1/29/2025] (TEST VERSION)
Made changes to the registration window.
Version 3.00.39 [1/28/2025] (TEST VERSION)
Made changes to the registration window.
Version 3.00.38 [1/13/2025] (TEST VERSION)
Made changes to the registration window.
Version 3.00.36 [12/18/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Made changes to the registration window.
Version 3.00.34 [12/3/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Fixed a bug on the Chart Properties window, where if you changed the Humidity Units option from fraction to grains or kg, and you also entered a grains or kg value in the Maximum W (humidity) input, the chart would go to a higher value of maximum humidity than you entered.
Made it so when you change the Units input on the Chart Properties dialog, the following values are automatically changed to their equivalent values in the new units: Minimum DB, Maximum DB, Maximum W, Elevation, and Pressure.
Made it so when you change the Humidity Units option on the Chart Properties dialog, the Maximum W input value automatically changes to the equivalent value in the new humidity units.
Version 3.00.33 [11/19/2024] (TEST VERSION)
On the Point Groups window, removed the radio buttons for selecting whether to use a CSV filename or enter points manually. Also made it so you can both use a CSV filename and enter points manually on the CSV File Grid after loading the CSV file.
Version 3.00.32 [11/15/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Made some technical changes on the registration window.
Version 3.00.30 [11/5/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Fixed a bug on the Point Groups window, where the help window did not always go to the correct topic after pressing F1.
Changed the "Add" button on the Point Groups window to "Create."
Version 3.00.29 [11/1/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Fixed a bug on the Manage Point Groups tab of the Point Groups window, where if you selected only one point in the Points Not in Group list, and then clicked Add Points to Group, the program would lock up.
Renamed the tabs on the Point Groups window.
Version 3.00.26 [10/29/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Fixed a bug where if you created multiple charts in a project, and added point groups to one or more of the charts, and switched to another chart while the Point Groups window was open, that window would not properly update the data on the Manage Point Groups tab.
Added more sample projects and modified the example CSV files for importing into the Point Groups window.
Made it so in a project with multiple charts, the Previous Chart and Next Chart buttons are both always enabled. Also made it so if you click the Previous Chart button while on chart 1, the current chart becomes the last chart. If you click Next Chart while on the last chart, the current chart becomes the first chart.
Made it so the Page Up key is a shortcut for the Previous Chart button, and the Page Down key is a shortcut for the Next Chart button.
Version 3.00.17 [10/24/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Changed the new Import Points window to the Point Groups window, which allows you to create multiple points, import multiple points, and assign points to a point group. When you assign points to a point group, you may then have lines connect the points together, change the point color and size, etc.
Version 3.00.7 [9/26/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Added an Import Points window, which is available in the main toolbar and the Chart menu. This window lets you import state point data from a CSV file to add points to the chart. The CSV file can have multiple formats, since it allows you to map CSV column headers to coordinate types (DB, RH, etc.).
Version 3.00.5 [9/16/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Made changes to the registration code to prevent trying to communicate with the server if the program license is at the demonstration level. Also made it check to see whether or not a connection can be made to the server before attempting to communicate with it.
Added a few more sample projects.
- Made it so existing an existing PsyChart 2 can notify you of version 3.
Version 3.00.1 [9/13/2024] (TEST VERSION)
Added the ability to zoom in and out with the mousewheel. Roll the wheel toward the screen to zoom in to a part of the chart, and roll it away from the screen to zoom out.
Added the ability to pan the chart whenever it is zoomed in more than 100% by pressing down on the mousewheel and dragging the mouse in any direction.
Added a Custom Zones tab to the Chart Properties window, which lets you define one or more bounded areas of the chart.